EU Fusion Roadmap Workshop, Garching 14.04.2011 Roadmap preparation calendar - May 2nd, GOC+CCEFU meetings, Brussels, progress report - May 23rd, meeting.


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Presentation transcript:

EU Fusion Roadmap Workshop, Garching Roadmap preparation calendar - May 2nd, GOC+CCEFU meetings, Brussels, progress report - May 23rd, meeting of the AHG, Paris - end of June: input to the Commission for the launch of the internal procedure towards FP8 - Oct 5th, GOC+CCEFU meetings, Brussels, final document delivered Interleaved: interaction with the “Political paper AHG” -> Input for a strategic roadmap from the Commission for the fusion programme

EU Fusion Roadmap Workshop, Garching Processing the information STAC to prepare a “standardised” resource table for each Association, according to activity headlines derived from the workshop: IO, F4E (clarifications needed Obj1-Obj2 border), Associations presentations Associations will be asked to confirm or ammend the table. At least for info: useful to know the manpower unit cost for each association. Proof of determination: what did you cut or are planning to cut in your programme in order to evolve to new priorities? Tables to be compiled in an overall summary: Lines of activity + overall resources planned -Identify gaps and oversubscriptions. Ideally all this information should be received by the AHG within one working week.

EU Fusion Roadmap Workshop, Garching Roadmap ingredients 1.- programme needs /priorities. 2.- offered resources. 3.- Programme coherence (gaps/ redundancies) 4.- reasonable cost-expected results: scenarios SC1, ambitious. How much? SC2, FP7 level SC3, bare survival (do we need it?) 5.- geographical balance

EU Fusion Roadmap Workshop, Garching