高二上册 Unit5 Writing 胡三元 2007.12.12. Writing Pre-writing Talk about Tianjin 1. Tianjin is the gate of Beijing. It is 137 km to the northwest of Beijing.


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Presentation transcript:

高二上册 Unit5 Writing 胡三元


Pre-writing Talk about Tianjin 1. Tianjin is the gate of Beijing. It is 137 km to the northwest of Beijing. 2. Tianjin is an important economic center and commercial enterprise city in the north. Talk about Tianjin 1. Tianjin is the gate of Beijing. It is 137 km to the northwest of Beijing. 2. Tianjin is an important economic center and commercial enterprise city in the north.

3. The chief place of historic interest and scenic beauty are Panshan Mountain, Dulesi temple. 3. The chief place of historic interest and scenic beauty are Panshan Mountain, Dulesi temple.

Writing A possible sample. Tianjin Tianjin, with Yan Mountain behind it and facing the Gulf of Bohai Sea, has an area of 11,000 square kilometers. Being the gate of Beijing, it is 137 km to the northwest of Beijing. A possible sample. Tianjin Tianjin, with Yan Mountain behind it and facing the Gulf of Bohai Sea, has an area of 11,000 square kilometers. Being the gate of Beijing, it is 137 km to the northwest of Beijing.

About 2000 years ago, people lived there. At the beginning of sixth century, Jun Liangcheng in the eastern suburb became a seaport town. After the middle of the century, Tianjin became an important economic center and commercial enterprise city in the north.

The chief places of historic interest and scenic beauty are Panshan Mountain, Dulesi Temple,TangGu Sea Beach, Drum Tower and so on.

Integrating skills ( on page 113 ) Integrating skills ( on page 113 ) 1.Basic information about Ireland Capital Dublin Area climate Population languages currency 70,000 square kilometers a mild sea climate Three million Irish, English euro

2. The island of Ireland is the home to two states. What are they? The island of Ireland is the home to two states, which are the Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. 3. What has the Irish government done since 1921 to save the Irish language? 2. The island of Ireland is the home to two states. What are they? The island of Ireland is the home to two states, which are the Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. 3. What has the Irish government done since 1921 to save the Irish language?

In order to save the Irish language, the Irish government has adopted some measures, for example, a growing number of schools save the Irish language, the Irish government has adopted some measures, for example, a growing number of schools teach in the Irish language and radio and TV

programs have helped nearly 20% of the Irish people to develop language skills in both languages. 4. The writer says that for much of its history, Ireland lay hidden behind Great Britain. What do you think it means? It means that Ireland was a part of the united kingdom of Great Britain and programs have helped nearly 20% of the Irish people to develop language skills in both languages. 4. The writer says that for much of its history, Ireland lay hidden behind Great Britain. What do you think it means? It means that Ireland was a part of the united kingdom of Great Britain and

Ireland for many centuries until the 1920s. 5. Sample : A Tale of A Stone Stag Long long ago, there was a magic stag whose antler can cure all kinds of disease. In a tribe, there was a young Ireland for many centuries until the 1920s. 5. Sample : A Tale of A Stone Stag Long long ago, there was a magic stag whose antler can cure all kinds of disease. In a tribe, there was a young

man, who was sent to catch the stag. When he ran after this stag to the end of the land, the stag turned round. At the same time, it turned into a beautiful fairy. Soon the young man fell in love with the fairy. They got married and went to a place where no one can

disturb them. There is a stone stag in Sanya of Hainan province. It is said that the stone is the incarnation of the magic stag. We can learn from this story that justice can win over the evil at any time. we should cherish our life much more.

Homework Write a short passage about Taiwan according to the picture. Write a short passage about Taiwan according to the picture.

根据所给地图与提示,写一篇介绍台 湾的短文,词数要求 100 左右。 提示: 1. 台湾的地理位置。 2. 台湾是我国最大的岛屿。其面积约 36 , 000 平方公里,人口 2 , 000 多万。 3. 自然资源丰富,香蕉、稻米、茶叶 根据所给地图与提示,写一篇介绍台 湾的短文,词数要求 100 左右。 提示: 1. 台湾的地理位置。 2. 台湾是我国最大的岛屿。其面积约 36 , 000 平方公里,人口 2 , 000 多万。 3. 自然资源丰富,香蕉、稻米、茶叶

等农产品驰名中外。 4. 风景优美,气候宜人,世界各地的 游客纷至沓来。 5. 台湾自古以来就是我国的一部分。 岛内绝大多数居民来自福建和广东。海 峡两岸人民都有统一祖国的强烈愿望。 等农产品驰名中外。 4. 风景优美,气候宜人,世界各地的 游客纷至沓来。 5. 台湾自古以来就是我国的一部分。 岛内绝大多数居民来自福建和广东。海 峡两岸人民都有统一祖国的强烈愿望。