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1. 请写 100 个词左右的短文,介绍你的祖国 --- 中国 要点如下: 中国具有悠久的历史和文化 地理位置、面积和人口情况 美丽的山川。长江是世界上最长的河流之一,长城是 世界七大奇观之一 人民勤劳勇敢。他们的勤奋和智慧在过去的二十年里 给中国带来了巨大的变化 How to write about.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 请写 100 个词左右的短文,介绍你的祖国 --- 中国 要点如下: 中国具有悠久的历史和文化 地理位置、面积和人口情况 美丽的山川。长江是世界上最长的河流之一,长城是 世界七大奇观之一 人民勤劳勇敢。他们的勤奋和智慧在过去的二十年里 给中国带来了巨大的变化 How to write about."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. 请写 100 个词左右的短文,介绍你的祖国 --- 中国 要点如下: 中国具有悠久的历史和文化 地理位置、面积和人口情况 美丽的山川。长江是世界上最长的河流之一,长城是 世界七大奇观之一 人民勤劳勇敢。他们的勤奋和智慧在过去的二十年里 给中国带来了巨大的变化 How to write about a place ?

2 New York is built on a group of islands on the east coast of the USA at a point where several rivers flow into the ocean. ---lies in--- ---is in--- China lies in the east of Asia with an area of 9,600,000 square kilometers. Shanghai _________ a group of islands ___________ of China __________ ______ several rivers flow into the ocean. is built onon the east coast at a point where

3 --- has a population of--- The population has grown to--- The city, with a population of---, is--- 9.6 million, 100,000 square kilometers Shanghai China is a large country with a population of 1.3 billion. The population of China has grown to 1.3 billion. China has a population of 1.3 billion. Shanghai is a large city and it has a population of 9.6 million, and it covers an area of 100,000 square kilometers. (with) (which)

4 How to write about a place? Brief introduction Main body –Location –Population –Famous things Conclusion –Your comments/feelings –about the city

5 My motherland---China is a great country _______ a long history and rich culture. It ___ in the east of Asia, ____________ 9,600,000 square kilometers and ___________________ 1.3 billion. Beijing is her capital. There are many beautiful mountains and rivers, ___________ rich nature resources in China. The Changjiang River, as we all know, is among the longest rivers in the world, and Great Wall is one of the seven wonders on the earth. The Chinese people are a hard-working and brave people. Their hardwork and wisdom have brought great changes in China in the past 20 years. with lies with an area of (with) a population of as well as

6 介绍你们的城市 1 。高楼、立交桥 2 。家用汽车 3 。外国人来参观、旅游 4 。生活美满

7 我 把 这 的 情 况 向 你 做 一 介 绍, 我 们 这 里 发 生 了 很 大 变 化。 我 们 这 建 了 很 多 现 代 化 的 高 楼, 和 立 交 桥, 很 多 家 庭 有 了 汽 车, 人 们 的 生 活 丰 富 多 彩, 还 经 常 有 外 国 人 来 参 观、 旅 游、 度 假, 这 里 还 有 各 种 美 味 佳 肴, 人 们 生 活 很 美 满。 欢 迎 到 我 们 城 市 来。 Now I’d like to tell you something about the city. Great changes have taken place in it. First, more high buildings have appeared, which are modern and beautiful. Many overpasses have been set up. Besides, a lot of families have got cars of their own. The people’s life here has become rich and colorful. People from other countries come here. They can enjoy themselves travelling on holidays. To my delight, I can taste delicious food of different countries. I live a happy life today. Welcome to the city again. Yours, truly Tom Dear Rose,

8 to the east/west/south/north of in front of behind opposite around/ across 1.There is a man-made lotus pond _________ the main building. 2.______________ the main building, there is meeting hall. 3.______________ the meeting hall is the library. 4.There is a lawn__________the main building. 5. Trees are planted _______________the lawn. 6. Also behind the main building, __________ the lawn, there is a tall laboratory building. in front of To the north of MEETING HALL LABORATORY BUILDING S N POND LIBRARY LAWN MAIN BUIDING Opposite behind around across

9 gym dinning hall classroom (A) gate lab office classroom (B) playground dormitory

10 1. Is there an office building in your school? Where is it? 2. Where is the classroom building in your school? 3.Is there a sports ground on your school campus? Where is it? It is to the south of the classroom building It is on the right of the school. It is at the back of the school.

11 4.Is there a dining –hall in your school? Where is it? 5.Is there a students’ dormitory building in your school? Where is it? 6.Is there a meeting hall in your school? Where is it? 7. Is there a garden in your school? Where is it ? it is behind the classroom building. They are on the left of the school. It is on the first floor of the classroom building. It is in front of the girl’s dormitory.

12 Our School Campus Our school has a nice campus. Facing the school gate, there is a red office building with a large glass entrance. To the east of it is an old classroom building, and to the west is a new one, modern and well-equipped. Inside this new building, there are lecture halls, language labs and bright classrooms. Behind these buildings is a large sports ground, which consists of a running track, a football field, two volleyball courts and four basketball courts. Around the sports ground, there are a lot of trees.

13 有一批要到中国投资的外国企业家在我国某城市参 观考察。 假定你是接待人员,要向外宾们介绍这个城市的概 况。请你用英语写一篇 100 词左右的发言稿,需包括以 下内容: 1. 这是一座新兴的现代化城市,建于 20 世纪 80 年代初 2. 交通便利,又有一条与首都北京相连的高速公路 3. 自然资源丰富,电力及其他能源供应充足 4. 公共秩序良好,政府多方面支持外国投资者。 注意:短文开头已写出,不记入总词数。

14 Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to our city. Now let me introduce Thank you. a newly-built modern city. early 1980’s, travel to anywhere connected with Beijing rich in natural resources. electricity other forms of energy. public order support foreign investors expect That’s all. our city to you. Our city is It was set up in the but it has been developing rapidly.From here you can by water, by air or by land. Recently another freeway which is has started being used. The areas around our city are And we have enough supplies of and The is very nice. the governments of our country and our city in many ways. Besides, We more and more foreign friends to come and invest in our city.

Download ppt "1. 请写 100 个词左右的短文,介绍你的祖国 --- 中国 要点如下: 中国具有悠久的历史和文化 地理位置、面积和人口情况 美丽的山川。长江是世界上最长的河流之一,长城是 世界七大奇观之一 人民勤劳勇敢。他们的勤奋和智慧在过去的二十年里 给中国带来了巨大的变化 How to write about."

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