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Unit 18 New Zealand. Period 5. Integrating Skills Reading(2) P.41 Life in New Zealand (第 5 课时)

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 18 New Zealand. Period 5. Integrating Skills Reading(2) P.41 Life in New Zealand (第 5 课时)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 18 New Zealand

2 Period 5. Integrating Skills Reading(2) P.41 Life in New Zealand (第 5 课时)

3 Fast-reading (P41) How large is the population of NZ? What’s the population of NZ? (3.8 million) What language is spoken in NZ? (the majority-English, Maori--- official language) What is the marae? (The marae is an area of land with a meeting house, where all important events take place)

4 Fast-reading (P41) What are the main exports of NZ? (wool, lamb, beef, butter, forest products, fruit and vegetables) Which product is sold all over the world? (wine) What sports do people like to do in summer? (go sailing, swimming, horse-riding, rock-climbing)

5 Reading comprehension: 1. The word “hui” means _____. A. a special day for Maori B. a special place for Maori C. a special event for Maori D. a special service for Maori 2. Which of the following is wrong? A. Maori is an official language in New Zealand. B. New Zealand is an important agricultural country. C. New Zealand, with its modern cities, attracts tourists from all over the world. D. Maori people believe that the spirit stays with the dead person for 3 days.

6 3. When is the summer in New Zealand? A. from March to June B. from June till August C. from September till December D. from December till February 4. “Maori children are taught at an early age what to do when they come to the marae.” Shows that _____. A. They are good at education. B. They hope to keep their way of life alive. C. They want their children to behave properly in the society. D. They want to keep their children away from the white people.

7 Useful expressions. Has a population of Make up The majority of Take place At an early age be marked with Stay with Turn to keeping deer Plenty of An agricultural country With cattle farming Be farmed for Be shipped to Of high quality Go sailing Rock-climbing Go camping

8 Language points 1.population n. What’s the population of China ? The population of China is larger than that of Japan. The city has a population of 1,000,000. 2.take place happen come about 3.share sth. with sb. share sth. between sb. eg: I share a room with Tom. Tom and Bill shared the sweets equally between them.

9 4.with + 宾语 + 宾补 The teacher came in with a book in his hand. I like sleeping with all the windows open. With all the clothes to wash, I will be very busy today. With the boy leading the way, they had no difficulty in finding the house. With his homework finished, the boy went out to play. Language points

10 5.while conj. eg: She is strong while her brother is weak. Strike while the iron is hot. While he loves his students, he is very strict with them. 6.turn to eg: Please turn to page 218. You can turn to me when you are in trouble. of quality eg: This watch is of high quality. good / poor / high / low quality be of + 名词 = be + 相应的形容词 be of + use / help / hope / value = be of useful / helpful / hopeful / valuable

11 Main Topics Para.1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4 Integrating Skills---Pair work

12 Main Topics Para.1Population, ethnic groups and languages spoken by them Para. 2Cultural of one ethnic group — Maori that are native to NZ Para. 3Agriculture products Para. 4Sports and spare time Integrating Skills---Pair work

13 Reading (3)---P.104 GUNG HO! Pre-reading: Introduce the background of Gung Ho.

14 Reading Exercises. P105 (Do Ex1.and Ex.2. on Page 105.) Key to Ex. 1. 1. A. 2.C 3.C 4.Band D 5. B Key to Ex.2. –The Chinese people moved to New Zealand during the 1850s to hunt for gold. –The early Chinese settlers were more killed at setting up and running businesses than settlers from other countries.

15 P105. Exercise 2.(3) Fill in the chart. NamecountryJob James BertramNew ZealandWriter Edgar SnowUSAWriter Kathleen HallNew ZealandNurse Norman BethuneCanadaDoctor Rewi AlleyNew ZealandTeacher/writer Sydney ShapiroUSAWriter George HatemUSADoctor Agnes SmedleyUSAWriter

16 Activities 1.Role-play Situation: Role: a guide (with a small flag); three tourists (with travel cap on head) Place: New Zealand Demands: Each of the tourists should ask the guide at least two questions about any of the main topics in the reading material. Suggestions: the rest are asked to make their comments on the acting.

17 2.Open-ended discussion Suppose you were a teenager brought up in a Maori village. In the near future, would you prefer to remain in the village and continue your own way of life, or to live in big modern cities? Why?

18 1.Prepare to retell the text. 2. Translate the following into English a. 农民占中国人口的 80% 以上。 b. 这次的损害大部分不容易补救。 c. 他虽然身体残疾,但精神意志坚强。 d. 我们应当同甘共苦。 e. 这个农场水果质量好,销往世界各地。

19 Keys: a. Peasants make up over 80% of the Chinese population. b. The majority of the damage is not easy to repair. c. She is physically disabled, but strong and mighty in spirit. d. We should share in our trouble as well as in our joy. e. The fruit on this farm is of high quality and is sold all over the world.

20 Period 6. Writing (第 6 课时)

21 New Zealand East coast of Australia, surrounded by the Pacific and the Tasman, 2 islands, the same size as Japan location Many, kiwi Animals & plants Maoris,Europeans,Asians people Mild sea climate, subtropical in the north, warmest months, coldest climate Wellington, Auckland Christchurch, Queenstown cities Bay,deep waters, clean beaches,green hills, hot spring landscapes Discovery of NZ Maori Chinese captain Zhou Wen Dutchman Abel Tasman Captain James Cook earliest then next last


23 根据地图和提示,写一篇介绍台湾的短文。词数: 120 左右。 1 . 台湾的地理位置。 2 . 台湾是我过最大的岛屿,面积 36,000 平方公里,人口 两 千多万。主要城市有台北、台中、台南和基隆。 3 . 自然资源丰富,香蕉、稻米、茶叶等农产品驰名中外。 4 . 风景优美,气候宜人,世界各地的游客纷至沓来。 5 . 台湾自古以来就是我国的一部分。岛内绝大多数居民来 自福建、广东。海峡两岸人民都有统一祖国的强烈愿望。 New words: 古代 ancient time 南海 South China Sea 台湾海峡 the Taiwan Strait 统一 unite

24 Writing Task: Topic 1: 根据提示,写一篇介绍北京的短文. 词数 100 左右。 sizeOne of the large cities populationOver 10 million positionNorthern part of China weatherwinter:long, snowy spring:warm, windy. summer:hot autumn---best season, neither too cold nor too hot, sunny. appearancebeautiful, places of interest

25 例文: Beijing is one of the largest cities in China. It has a population of over 10million. Since it is in the northern part of China, the winter here are long and it snows sometimes. In spring it ’ s warm but windy. In summer it is very hot. autumn is the best season in Beijing, when it is neither too cold nor too hot. And it ’ s usually sunny. Beijing is a beautiful city with lots of places of interest, such as the Palace Museum, the Great Summer Palace and so on.

26 Topic 2: 请用英语写一篇有关英国首都伦敦的见解,基本 信息如下: 1. 伦敦,英国首都。 2. 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国是由 England, Scotland,Northern Ireland 组成的。 3. 伦敦是世界上最大的城市之一。 4. 位于 England 的东南部。 5. 跨泰晤士 (River Thames) 两岸。 6. 人口 300 万,面积 1870 平方公里。 7. 始建于公元 43 年。

27 例文: London is the Capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. London is one of the greatest cities in the world. It lies in the southeastern part of England. London is a city with a population of about 3 million, and an area of 1870 square kilometers. It was first built in 43AD. The River Thames runs through the city.

28 Great Britain is an island that lies off the northwest coast of Europe. The nearest country is France, which is 20 miles away and from which Great Britain separated by the English Channel. The island is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the North Sea to the east. It is made up of the mainland of England. Wales and Scotland, that is, three countries. Scotland is in the north, while the Wales is in the west. Ireland, which is also an island, lies off the west coast of Great Britain. It consists of Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. The United Kingdom is composed of four countries. The largest of these is England, which is divided into 43 administrative countries. The capital city is London, which is situated in the southeast of England. London is the political, cultural and economic center of the United Kingdom.

29 Topic 3: 香港已回归祖国了。请你根据以下提示,简 介香港的基本情况。 提示: 1. 被称之为 “ 东方之珠 (pearl) ” , 2. 是世界上最大的贸易中心之一。 3. 人口 : 600 多万 ; 面积 : 1000 余平方公里 ; 年平均气温 : 22 ℃左右; 雨水季节 : 5 月至 7 月。 4. 中国政府和中国人民坚信有能力使香港更 加繁荣 (flourish) 富强。

30 例文: A Brief Introduction of Hong Kong Hong Kong has come back to China. The following is a brief introduction of Hong Kong. Hong Kong, which is called the East Pearl, is one of the largest trade markets in the world. It has a population of more than six million. The area of Hong Kong is over 1000 square kilometer. The average temperature of Hong Kong is about 22 ℃. The rainy season is between May and July. The Chinese government and the Chinese people firmly believe that we are able to keep the flourish of Hong Kong and make it stronger.

31 Writing.(Wb.P.106) Write a short profile of New Zealand.


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