GENESIS Chapter 26-27 CHILDREN OF DIVISION – MOTHER OF DECEIT I.Introduction A.Jacob steal Esau’s birthright!


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Presentation transcript:

GENESIS Chapter CHILDREN OF DIVISION – MOTHER OF DECEIT I.Introduction A.Jacob steal Esau’s birthright!

1.Willing to “sell his soul”. 2.Birthright in exchange for the meal. B.Esau became a much wiser man. 1.Give Esau benefit of the doubt:

a)Willing to “sell out” to satisfy immediate need. b)Hungry - all he could think about. (1)Christians satisfy hunger they have too. (a)Battle between brothers not over.

C.Isaac picked up habits from his dad – Abraham 1.Skip much of chapter 26. II. Genesis 26:6-14 III. Genesis 26:34-35

A.Isaac not a perfect man. 1.Not written in chronological order. IV. Genesis 27:1-4 A.Isaac soon to die!

1.Sends Esau out for the hunt. a) Largest blessing upon the oldest son. (1)A father’s “last will and testament”. (2)Important to the son(s). (a) Esau forfeited blessing.

V. Genesis 27:5-10 A.Time to trick dear old father. 1.Plan of deception. 2.Jacob has some reservations. VI. Genesis 27:11-17

A.Mom says, “No problem. 1.Are you moms this wickedly deceitful? a) Any wonder why they turned out like they did? b) Matthew 12:25 c) Amos 3:3

(1)Quick way to destroy a family! (a)Do it behind close doors until you can agree. (b)Cannot agree - godly submission. (i) Jacob agrees to plan.

VII.Genesis 27:18-20 A.Jacob citing God’s blessing on his “hunt.” 1.Isaac not certain it is Esau. VIII. Genesis 27:21-24

A.Another opportunity to tell the truth! 1.Jacob deceives again. IX. Genesis 27:25-29 A.Isaac gives him the blessing!

X. Genesis 27:30-46 XI. CONCLUSION A.Mom’s in the mix again! 1.Sending Jacob away. a) Esau’s wife caused grief! (1)She gets her way!