Wet Mount PT: 2007A Specimen 1 Evaluate micrographs 1-a, 1-b, 1-c and 1-d together as if different fields from the same patient Identify cellular images labeled as: –1 –2 –3 Enter results on result sheet
Micrograph 1-a Low Power
1 Micrograph 1b – High Power
Micrograph 1c – Low Power 1 3
Micrograph 1d High Power
Wet Mount PT: 2007A Specimen 2 Evaluate micrographs 2-a, 2-b, and 2-c together as if different fields from the same patient Identify cellular images labeled as: –4 –5 –6 Enter results on result sheet
Micrograph 2a – Low Power 4 4 5
Micrograph 2b – Low Power
Micrograph 2c – Low Power 6
Wet Mount PT: 2007A Specimen 3 Evaluate micrographs 3-a, 3-b, and 3-c together as if different fields from the same patient Identify cellular images labeled as: –7 –8 –9 Enter results on result sheet
7 8 9 Micrograph 3a – High Power
Micrograph 3b – High Power
7 8 9 Micrograph 3c – High Power
Wet Mount PT: 2007A Educational Challenge Evaluate the following micrographs –These will not be graded!
Gram Stain – Squamous Epithelial Cell
Gram Stain – Clue Cell Nucleus
Gram Stain: Agents of BV Mobiluncus spp. Gardnerella vaginalis
Gram Stain: Squamous Epithelial & Clue Cell These images are not typical of what you see in a wet mount – since you don’t do gram stains (but allow you to visualize the differences between normal epithelial cells and clue cells) –Squamous epi: a few gram positive bacteria (blue cells, typical of lactobacilli) are seen on the surface of the cell –Clue Cell: The surface of the cell is almost totally covered with blue gram positive bacteria. The cell nucleus is seen as a small red dot.
Gram Stain: Agents of Bacterial Vaginosis Gardnerella vaginosis (small, gram negative [red] rounded rods - coccobacilli) Mobiluncus sp. (small, slender gram negative [red] curved rods). Both are normally found in the vagina (i.e., normal flora) In bacterial vaginosis, these bacteria increase in number and degrade proteins in the vagina to form the amines that cause the characteristic unpleasant odor associated with BV.
Sign & Date Result Sheet Testing Person Site Coordinator Send results to lab director within 10 days of electronic notification of PT challenge