The Murder of King Duncan Group leader : Xiao Yau Shing (37) Group members: Li Jia Xing(19) Ho Lai Yu (8) Leung Wai Kwan (17) Chow Ho Lun (5)


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Presentation transcript:

The Murder of King Duncan Group leader : Xiao Yau Shing (37) Group members: Li Jia Xing(19) Ho Lai Yu (8) Leung Wai Kwan (17) Chow Ho Lun (5)

The personalities of Lady Macbeth Crafty -> She had the slippery plan to murder the king P.20, lines : Quote: She told Macbeth about her plan. She advised him to show no sign that anything was wrong. -> Her plan was cunning and mysterious P.21 lines : Quote: She said that she would give some wine to the two guards at the door of Duncan’s room. ……Then it would be easy for Macbeth to get past the guards and murder Duncan while the King was sleeping. Later, they could blame the guards for committing the crime.

The personalities of Lady Macbeth Filial -> The king looked like her dead father P.21 lines 29-31: Quote: However, when she saw the King lying on his bed, asleep, he looked like her dead father and she could not to do anything to harm him.

The personalities of Macbeth Not assertive -> He heard all what his wife said and didn’t have his own opinion. Therefore, he went to murder the King. P. 21, lines : Quote: Macbeth changed his mind, and agreed to do everything that his wife said.

The personalities of Macbeth A frighten man -> Although he had the perfect plan to murdered the King, he was very frighten. P.23, lines 22-23: Quote: Macbeth could not rest. His mind was full of wild thoughts and fears.

Macbeth’s behavior before he killed the King Duncan He saw something untrue P22,line 2-6 Quote : Suddenly, he saw a terrible sight. A knife, covered in blood, appeared before his eyes. ……but it was not real.

Reasons behind….. His cruel idea for killing King Duncan was affecting his mind all the time. He could not stay in calm.

Lady Macbeth’s behavior while Macbeth was committing the crime She waited anxiously in his room P23 line 1-4 Quote : In her room, Lady Macbeth waited anxiously for her husband to return. She listened to every sound, and when she heard some noises coming from the King’s room, she thought Macbeth had failed.

Reasons behind… She was anxious because she was afraid that their plan would be failed She felt worried if there had been anyone knew their offence then she had to face the consequence.

Macbeth’s behavior after murdering King Duncan He was intranquil and could not rest after he had committed the crime P23 line Quote : Macbeth could not rest. His mind was full of wild thoughts and fears. Every noise he heard frightened him. He kept on staring at his hand, which were covered with blood. …… He thought there could not be enough water in all the seas to wash that blood away.

Reasons behind…. He was afraid that would somebody know his offence He thought that his cruel action could not be compensated Every one did something wrong have to face the fear

The End~