P ROJECT A BSTRACT Printer power management system. Use the power indicator LED as a light sensor. Control printer's power based on light levels. Route incoming print jobs to local storage/printer.
C RITICALITY L EVELS High Criticality Could lead to user injury Medium Criticality Device not working, cannot be repaired Low Criticality Repairable problems
C OMPONENTS C HOSEN PIC32MX795F512H Microcontroller High complexity, 64 I/O pins LM3102 Voltage Regulator High temperature Vout greater than 3.6 could burn components DK1A-L-3V-F Power Relay Carries 110 VAC Risk of injury if not handled properly
R ELIABILITY A NALYSIS P ARAMETERS ParameterDescription C1Die Complexity Failure Rate πTπT Temperature Coefficient based on Junction Temp. C2Package Failure Rate πEπE Environmental Factor πQπQ Quality Factor - 1 for ICs more than 2 years in production πLπL Learning Factor - 10 for commercial products λPλP The predicted number of failures per 10 6 hours of operation MTTFMean Time To Failure
PIC32MX795F512H M ICROCONTROLLER Parameter NameDescriptionValueComments C1Die Complexity Bit Microcontroller πTπT Temperature Coefficient0.1025˚C Junction Temperature C2Package Failure Rate Pins, Nonhermetic, SMT πEπE Environmental Constant2Ground Fixed πQπQ Quality Factor10 Other Commercial or Unknown Screening Levels πLπL Learning Factor1 More than two years in production Entire design:λ P = 1.2 Failures λ P = (C1 x π T + C2 x π E ) x π Q x π L λ P = (0.56 x x 2) x 10 x 1 λ P = 1.2 Failures / 10 6 hours of operation MTTF = 1/ λ P = 833,333 hours = 95 years
LM3102 V OLTAGE R EGULATOR Parameter NameDescriptionValueComments C1Die Complexity Transistors πTπT Temperature Coefficient0.1025˚C Junction Temperature C2Package Failure Rate Pins, Nonhermetic, SMT πEπE Environmental Constant2Ground Fixed πQπQ Quality Factor10 Other Commercial or Unknown Screening Levels πLπL Learning Factor1 More than two years in production Entire design:λ P = λ P = (C1 x π T + C2 x π E ) x π Q x π L λ P = (0.010 x x 2) x 10 x 1 λ P = Failures / 10 6 hours of operation MTTF = 1/ λ P = 5,208,333 hours = 594 years
DK1A-L-3V-F P OWER R ELAY Parameter NameDescriptionValueComments C1Die Complexity Transistors πTπT Temperature Coefficient0.1025˚C Junction Temperature C2Package Failure Rate Pins, Nonhermetic, SMT πEπE Environmental Constant2Ground Fixed πQπQ Quality Factor10 Other Commercial or Unknown Screening Levels πLπL Learning Factor1 More than two years in production Entire design:λ P = λ P = (C1 x π T + C2 x π E ) x π Q x π L λ P = (0.010 x x 2) x 10 x 1 λ P = Failures / 10 6 hours of operation MTTF = 1/ λ P = hours = 2716 years
FMECA Failure ModePossible CausesFailure Effects Method of Detection Criticality Microcontroller not working Oscillator crystal not working, Shorted or unconnected bypass capacitors. No communication between subsystems Observation,Low - Medium Unregulated Power Supply LM3102 Voltage Regulator not working Voltage regulator uncontrolled, Could burn out our device. Observation, Increase in device temperature Medium - High Printer power not being controlled DK1A-L-3V-F Power Relay not working Printer stuck in on/off state, Increase in temperature, Could injure the user Observation, Increase in device temperature High Printer stuck in one state LED light sensing not working Cannot switch between various printer states ObservationLow