Unit 4 offer & counter offer 1. Key Words & Phrases 1.offer n. v. 发盘 make sb. an offer for sth. We can make you an offer FOB Shanghai for 10 tons of cotton.


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Chapter 4 Inquiry, Quotation and Counter-offer
Presentation transcript:

Unit 4 offer & counter offer 1

Key Words & Phrases 1.offer n. v. 发盘 make sb. an offer for sth. We can make you an offer FOB Shanghai for 10 tons of cotton. a firm offer 实盘 Non-firm offer , an offer without engagement 虚盘 make /give/ forward/fax an offer 发盘 offer sb. sth. We can offer you 10 tons of cotton. 2

2. quotation n. 报价(单) quote v. 报价(只涉及价格) offer 发盘,包括价格在内的各种交易条件 quote sb. (a price) for sth. make a quotation for sth. 3. confirm vt. 确认,批准 confirmation n. 该发盘以我方最后确认为准。 This offer is subject to our final confirmation. 3

4. agreeable adj. 用人作主语时, 作 ‘ 同意 ’ 解,和 介词 ‘ to ’ 连用;也可以接动词不定式。 We are agreeable to your proposal. They are agreeable to our views. Your proposal is agreeable to us. agree to 接 ‘ 建议 ’ , ‘ 办法 ’ , ‘ 条款条件 ’ 等。 We agree to your proposal. agree with 又作 ‘ 符合 ’ 解。例如: Your account does not agree with ours.. 4

5.available a. 可用的 ; 通用的 ; 可得到 first available steamer available in stock 5

Dialogue What’s the offer made by the seller? Does the buyer agree? What’s the counteroffer then? 6

Dialogue 1. deliberate vt., vi. 研讨;商讨 思考 (on, over); 与某人协商 (with); 讨论某事 (over, upon, on) I deliberated with the director on the future plans of production 我和厂长商讨了下一步的生产计划。 Francs per ton: 310 Francs FOB Shanghai per ton. 3. on the basis of equality and mutual benefit 在 平等互利的基础上 7

In reply to your letter of March 20, we are making you,without engagement, the following offer: _________ :Men’s Shirts ___________:Dyed trueran long sleeves,mad of 65% polyester and 35% cotton; Colors: PT44,PT58 Size:14,15,16,17 __________:Each piece in a polybag, half dozen to a box, and 10 dozen a wooden case ___________:1000 dozen ___________:USD 10 per dozen CFRC5% Kuwait ___________: October/November, 2009 ___________:By 100% confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit in our faovor, available by draft at sight. 8 Commodity Specification Packing Quantity Price Shipment Payment

Situation 1 1. 根据要求, 我方高兴地报盘如下, 该报盘无约束力 As requested, we are pleased to quote you without engagement, for the following. 9

2. packing: 包装的常用表达方式: ( 1 ) “ in …” 如: in cases 用箱装 in bales 打包 in bundles 打捆 in bulk 散装 ( 2 ) “ in … of … each ” 或 “ in …, each containing …” 用 某物包装,每件装多少。 例: in wooden cases of 50 dozen each/ in wooden cases, each containing 50 dozen 用木箱装,每箱 50 打 (3) “ in … of … each … to …” 用某物包装,每件装多少, 若干件装一大件中。 例: in boxes of a dozen each, 100 boxes to a wooden case 用盒装,每打装一盒, 100 盒装一木箱 11

3.price : 四部分组成 USD 300 CIF London per metric ton 4. payment: by … in our favor …by draft at sight… irrevocable documentary sight credit in our favor Irrevocable documentary credit at sight in our favor Irrevocable documentary credit in our favor by draft at sight 12

Situation 2 1. subject to your acceptance reaching us not later than July 30. 以你方接受复函在 7 月 30 日 前到达我处为条件. Be subject to 以 … 为准 This offer is subject to our further confirmation. 我方最后确认为准。 your reply reaching us before 30 June. this goods being unsold (free). prior sale. 先售为准 This offer remains firm (valid) until July

2. a typical offer: 我方可提供 10 , 000 台型号为 1367 的 MP4 ,纸箱 包装,每台 96 美元 CIFC2% Amsterdam , 9 月装运,由不可撤销即期跟单信用证支付。 We can offer you 10,000 units of MP4 Model No in cartons at USD per unit CIFC 2% Amsterdam for shipment in September by an irrevocable documentary L/C at sight. 14

3. Other terms and conditions (are to be) same as usual. 其他的条款条件和往常一样。 这种省略句在商业书信中较常见。例如: Prices (are) to be fixed through negotiation. Shipment (is) to be made during August/September. 4. direct steamer 直达船(从某港口驶往某港 口,中途不必转船) 5. transship v.t. 转船 15

6. the quoted price 所报价格 quote 报价,在商业书信中的常用句型是: quote (+ 间接宾语 ) + 直接宾语(价格) +for + 数量 + 商品 如: Please quote us your lowest price CIF Hamburg for five metric tons of Shangdong Groundnuts. 16

Structure of offer Opening Sentences: Thank the customer for their interest in your products Message: 1. Name of commidity,quality, quantity 2. details of prices, discounts 3. terms of payment, 4. date of delivery or time of shipment, 5. the validity of the offer or informing it is a non-firm offer Closing Sentences: An expression of hope that the quotation will be accepted. 17

Opening Sentences-thanks Thank you for asking for the prices of your recent our new products. fax/ letter/ cable/ telex/ inquiry/ 感谢你方最近的传真询问我方新产品的价格 18

Opening Sentences-thanks 我们很高兴向你方特别报盘. We take pleasure in making you a special offer. 19

Message – details of prices 1. 我们可提供 1 万码货号为 1367 的产品, 木箱包装, 每 码 96 美元,CIF 汉堡, 含 2% 佣金, 九月装运. We can offer you 10,000 yards Art. No in wooden cases, at USD per yard CIFC2% Hamburg for shipment in September. 20

Message – terms of payment 2. 我们的支付条件是在你方接受我方订货 20 天内开出 以你方为抬头的, 保兑的, 不可撤销的, 凭即期汇票支 付的信用证. Our terms of payment are by confirmed irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight, to be opened in your favor within 20 days after your acceptance of our order. 21

Message – non-firm offer 1. 根据要求, 我方高兴地报盘如下, 该报盘无约束力 As requested, we are pleased to quote you without engagement, for the following 2.We thank you for your inquiry of July 10, and are glad to offer you as follows subject to being unsold upon receipt of your reply./ prior sale/ alternations without notice./ our confirmation at the time of your placing order./ our final confirmation. 22

Message – firm offer 1. This offer until March 3. will remain open/ valid/ firm/ 2.this offer will remain effective for a week from March 3. 23

Message – firm offer 现确认已向贵方电开实盘,3 月 3 日复到有效. we confirm having cabled you a firm offer subject to by March 3. your reply reaching us/ your acceptance (being) received here/ 24

Closing Sentences:-wish 1. 该产品需求很旺, 而供货有限, 建议贵方尽快接受报盘. This product is now in great demand and the supply rather limited, we would recommend you to accept this offer as soon as possible. 2. 请注意我方报价属最优惠价格, 恕不接受还盘. please note that we have quoted our most favorable price and are unable to entertain any counteroffer. 25

Situation 3 1 Your price is out of line with our market level. 脱离我处的市场行情. Your price is rather too high. Your price is on the high side. 价格偏高 Your price is 10% higher than that of Japanese make. 比日本货高出 10%. 2. prevailing market price, ruling price 26

2.. Reduction , make a 30% reduction + in 减价 : reduce, cut, 减到某一程度用 bring down to, 略减 shade 降价 10% In order to close this deal we reduce /cut/ shade our price by 10%.. We have made a 10% reduction in our price. We decide to deduct / make a reduction of 10% from the price. offer you 10% off. We bring down our price to the level you indicated in your letter of August 7. 27

3. come to terms 达成交易 = conclude the transaction; get the business done; close a deal; close the bargain 4. in view of 有鉴于 …… e.g. In view of the good reputation they enjoyed, a lot of orders flooded in. 5.at your earliest convenience 尽早 28

Structure of counter offer Opening Sentences: (delayed opening/buffer:) Thank the seller for his offer. Message: 1.Explanation: explain why the refusal has to be made. 2. State the refusal: saying “ no ” to the reader only after the reason for refusals presented. 3. Offer a constructive suggestion or an alternative plan. Closing Sentences: (Positive closing) You can suggest that where should be other opportunities to do business together. 29

Opening Sentences-thanks 1. 感谢你方 6 月 1 日来函报给我们 50 吨山东产花 生,每吨 135 美元 CFR 上海。 we wish to thank you for your letter of June 1 offering us 50 metric tons of Shangdong groundnuts at USD135 per metric ton CFR Shanghai 。 2. Thank you for your letter of 15th February offering us your printed shirting 3. We appreciate your confidence in us 30

Message – Explanation 句型 1 :对价格的抱怨  Your price is rather too high.  Your price is on the high side.  Your price is out of line with the prevailing market 我们遗憾地说你方价格不可接受。 we regret to say that your price is unacceptable to us. 31

Message – Explanation 句型 2 :与其他供应商价格相比 日本产的商品以大约低于你方 10 %的价格在本地 销售 Japanese make have been sold here at a level about 10% lower than yours. 与其他供应商的价格相比,你方的价格比他们的 报价几乎高出 10 % your price is almost 10% higher than other suppliers’ price. 32

Message – Explanation 句型 3 :其他情况 根据我们的调查, 行市趋淡, According to our investigation, we believe the prices are declining/ on the decline/ showing a decline/subject to change/ surely falling/ dropping now. 33

Message – State the refusal 句型 1 :不能接受发盘 1.We regret that we are unable to accept your offer. 34

Message – offer a constructive suggestion 句型 1. 希望给予折扣佣金 1. 假如你方能给我们 5% 佣金, 我们将向你方试订 一批货 We shall book a trial order with you, provided you will give us a 5%commission. 35

Message – offer a constructive suggestion 句型 2 :希望降价 We hope you will reduce /cut/ shade your price by 10%. We hope you will make a 10% reduction in your price. We hope you will deduct / make a reduction of 10% from the price. We hope you will offer us 10% off. We hope that you will bring down /cut your price to USD59.00 per set CIF LONDON. 36

Closing Sentences:-wish We are anticipating your early reply. 37