Morongo Basin Transit Authority Deviated Fixed Route Services.


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Presentation transcript:

Morongo Basin Transit Authority Deviated Fixed Route Services

 Deviations are available to all passengers  No additional fare is charged on Routes 3A, 3B,7A and 7B.  Route 21 charges a premium of $1.50 for regular fare and.75 cents for Seniors and Disabled  ¾ mile deviation corridor on Routes 3A,3B, 7A& 7B  1.5 mile deviation corridor on Route 21  24 hour advance notice required for deviation requests

 MBTA provides deviated or flexed service on 5 of it’s 14 routes. These are: Routes 3A (29 Palms Base), 3B (29 Palms City), 7A (North Yucca Valley), 7B (South Yucca Valley), 21 (Landers)  These are in smaller communities where traditional fixed route service plus complementary DAR is unfeasible.  Flex Routes have been in place since 2001 replacing General Public Demand response service in these areas that had very low ridership and productivity

 163,292 passengers were carried via flex route service  13,762 revenue hours  Operating Cost: $873,727  Operating Revenue: $141,965  Farebox Recovery Ratio: 16.2%

Operating Traditional fixed route with complementary demand response service in these areas would result a cost to MBTA of approximately $630,000 more. (11,000 service hours X $63/hr). Losing the ability to operate the flex service would lower farebox productivity below 10% and trigger unpalatable policy decisions on fares and service cuts.

 If needed, augment flex routes with supplementary demand response at peak times.  Consider a reasonable fare structure to limit deviations  In the rural areas, “approve” deviations that are off paved roads.  Consider whether a route can be classified or modified to become a commuter or intercity route.  Monitor service closely to determine whether a shift to different mode of service is appropriate.  A robust travel training, transit ambassador program and travel escort service is recommended.  We recommend partnership with social service agencies to also reduce demand.

 Consider carefully the type of vehicle for the routes so that it has sufficient capacity but is maneuverable enough to perform origin to destination type service on demand. We have found the Class E vehicles to be best suited for flex service.