Russian Writers and Poets Can you guess whom the story is about?


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Presentation transcript:

Russian Writers and Poets Can you guess whom the story is about?

What is he famous for? I’d like to tell you about a famous Russian poet and a writer of “the Golden Age of the Russian literature”. He is the ONE who influenced the cultural development of Russia in every way. He is known all over the world and translated into many languages. His works and ideas inspire (вдохновляют) Chuvash writers and poets too.

Where and when was he born? He was born on May, 26 (June, 6), 1799 in Moscow. He originated from an impoverished (обедневший) boyar family, the members of which were known for their rebellious (революционный) temper (характер). On his mother’s side Pushkin was a great grandson of the favourite(фаворит) of Peter the Great.

Where did he learn? Then he entered the Tsarskoe Selo Lyceum which was founded by Alexander I for the children of Russian nobles. He was one of the best students. Up to 1811 he was educated at home like many children from boyar families.

When and how did he begin writing? What are his famous works? His first poem was published in 1814, and in 1817 he became a member of the literary circle “Arzamas”. He was influenced (оказали влияние) by French and Italian poets and wrote his “romantic” lyrical-epic poem “Ruslan and Ludmila” ( ) and a lot of smaller poems in the taste of French poetry.

After his journey to the Caucasus and Crimea and under a great impression of Byron’s poetry he writes poems “Caucasian Captive” ( ) and “the Fountain of Bakhchisarai” ( ). His monumental work is “Eugene Onegin” ( ). In 1824 Pushkin was sent to the Pskov region, to his father’s estate (имение) Mikhailovskoe. He was living in the very heart of Russia where ancient traditions of Russia were heartfelt (искренние).

Before the marriage he had spent the autumn of 1830 in Boldino, his father’s village in the Nizhniy Novgorod region. This autumn came down into literature as “the Boldino autumn” because at that time Pushkin wrote a number of his masterpieces – “The stories of Belkin”, “Little Tragedies”, “The history of the Goryukhino village”.

He wrote wonderful fairy-tales, including The tale of tsar Saltan (1831) and The tale of the Golden Cockerel (1834). He wrote historical novels as well. Such are his unfinished “Moor of Peter the Great”(1828), “Captain’s Daughter” (1836), “History of the Pugachev’s Rebellion” ( ). Other works of this period are his unfinished “Dubrovsky” ( ), a romantic story “the Queen of Spades” and the famous poem “Monument” (1836).

What kind of person was he? He was a very talented person, intelligent, loving freedom and justice(справедливость) sympathizing with the destiny of his country. His brilliant intelligence, sharpness of his opinion, his devotion to poetry, realistic thinking and incredible historical and political intuition make him one of the greatest Russian national geniuses.

Alexander Sergejevich Pushkin

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