Development of Silicon Sensors for Tracking Systems: MPD, CBM and at NICA and FAIR Michael Merkin SINP MSU 09.07.2013Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN1.


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Presentation transcript:

Development of Silicon Sensors for Tracking Systems: MPD, CBM and at NICA and FAIR Michael Merkin SINP MSU Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN1

UNILAC SIS18 SIS100/300 p-Linac HESR CR & RESR NESR 100 m Primary Beams /s; 1.5 GeV/u; 238 U /s 238 U 73+ up to 35 GeV/u 3x10 13 /s 30 GeV protons Storage and Cooler Rings radioactive beams antiprotons GeV/c, stored and cooled Secondary Beams range of radioactive beams up to GeV/u; up to factor higher in intensity than presently antiprotons GeV Technical Challenges cooled beams rapid cycling superconducting magnets dynamical vacuum SIS100: Au 11 A GeV SIS300: Au 35 A GeV APPA The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research FAIR Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN2

Collider SPD MPD Booster, Nuclotron The NICA-MPD challenge :  to prove QGP creation in high net baryon density region The challenge :  to prove QGP creation through self-amplified long-range spinodial correlations Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN3

The experiment project measurements of the multistrange objects (Ξ, Ω, exotics) & hypernuclei in HI collisions close to the threshold production in the region of high sensitivity to the models prediction GIBS magnet (SP-41) TS-target station, T0- start diamond detector, STS - silicon tracker, ST- straw tracker, DC- drift chambers, RPC- resistive plate chambers, ZDC- zero degree calorimeter, DTE – detector of tr. energy Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN4

FFD MPD detector at NICA Magnet : 0.5 T T0, Trigger : FFD Centrality & Event plane : ZDC PID: TOF, TPC, ECAL Tracking (|  |<2): TPC 0.5<p<1 GeV/c Stage 1 (2017) TPC, Barrel TOF & ECAL, ZDC, FFD Stage 2: IT + Endcaps(tracker,TOF,ECAL) Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN5

The CBM experiment at FAIR Dipole Magnet Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector Silicon Tracking System Micro Vertex Detector Transition Radiation Detectors Resistive Plate Chambers (TOF) Electro- magnetic Calorimeter Projectile Spectator Detector (Calorimeter) Target two configurations: - electron-hadron - and muon setup Muon Detection System Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN6

Tracking systems design constraints Coverage: ―rapitidies from center-of mass to close to beam ― aperture 2.5° <  < 25° (less for BM_N) ―4π for MPD Momentum resolution ― δp/p  1% ― field integral 1 Tm, ― 25 µm single-hit spatial resolution ― material budget per station ~1% X 0 No event pile-up ― 10 MHz interaction rates ― self-triggering read-out ― signal shaping time < 20 ns Efficient hit & track reconstruction  close to 100% hit eff.  > 95% track eff. for momenta >1 GeV/c Minimum hit rates < 20 MHz/cm 2 ― maximum strip length compatible with hit occupancy and S/N performance ― largest read-out pitch compatible with the required spatial resolution Radiation hard sensors compatible with the CBM physics program ―1 × n eq /cm 2 (SIS100) ―1 × n eq /cm 2 (SIS300) Integration, operation, maintenance ―compatible with the confined space in the dipole magnet Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN7

Aperture: 2.5° <  < 25° (some stations up to 38°). 8 tracking stations between 0.3 m and 1 m downstream the target. Built from double-sided silicon microstrip sensors in 3 sizes, arranged in modules on a small number of different detector ladders. Readout electronics outside of the physics aperture. System concept Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN8

Assessment of tracking stations – material budget station 4 sensor: 0.3% X 0 r/o cables: 2×0.11% X 0 electronics front view side view Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN9

Assessment of tracking stations – sensor occupancy sensor occupancy := ratio “ nb. of hit strips : nb. of all strips“ in a sensor station 1 Y/cm Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN10

Assessment of tracking stations – hit cluster size in station 4 mean: 2.7 distribution for full STS cluster of strips := number of adjacent strips in a sensor that fired simultaneously Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN11

NICA MPD-ITS Th Computer model simulations by V.P.Kondratiev and N.Prokofiev, SPbSU MPD ITS status Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN12

The CBM-MPD STS Consortium: change in sensor production policy – mixed DSSD SSSD structure of STS (based on experience gotton!) DSSD: German Party responsibility – CiS, Erfurt (62х62) Hamamatsu, Japan (42х62), double metal on P-side SSSD-sandwich: the Consortium responsibility: Hamamatsu, Japan (42х62), On-SemiConductor, Czech Rep. (62х62) RIMST,RF “Integral”, Belorussia auxiliary chipcable (SE RTIIE) Sensor development – involvement of Hamamatsu, an attempt to repeat at vendors in Russia, Belarussia, and Czech Republics Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN13

Microstrip sensors double-sided, p-n-n structure width: 6.2 cm 1024 strips at 58  m pitch three types, strip lengths: 2, 4, 6 cm, 4 cm stereo angle front-back-sides 7.5° integrated AC-coupled read-out double metal interconnects on p-side, or replacement with an external micro cable operation voltage up to few hundred volts radiation hardness up to 1 × n eq /cm 2 4” and 6” wafers, 300 µm thick test and full-size sensors Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN14

PrototypeYearVendorProcessingSize [cm 2 ]Description No name2005RIVSTDouble-sided 6.2  4.2 ±7.5 deg CBM012007CiSdouble-sided 5.5  5.5 ±7.5 deg CBM032010CiSdouble-sided 6.2  6.2 ±7.5 deg CBM03’2011CiSSingle/CBM  6.2 test for CBM05 CBM052013CiSdouble-sided 6.2  /0 deg full-size CBM05H42013Hamamatsudouble-sided 6.2  /0 deg full-size CBM05H22013Hamamatsusingle-sided 6.2  /0 deg full-size Prototype microstrip sensors external on-sensor cable CBM05CBM05H4CBM05H2 under study: replacement for integrated 2 nd metal layer Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN15

Sensor N-side Contact Pads Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN16

N-side poly-Si resistors Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN17

N-side p-stops configuration Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN18

N-side Guard Rings Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN19

Sensor P-side 1 st and 2 nd metal Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN20

Sensor P-side 1 st and 2 nd metal details Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN21

P-side Guard Rings Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN22

Irradiations Studies 9 structures from CiS: Size 7 x 7 mm 2, Active area 5 х 5 mm 2, Thickness mkm 6 structures from RIMST: Size - 10 x 10 mm 2, Active area ~8 x 8 mm 2, Thickness 300 mkm Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN23

Doses CiS: 7.3 х n/сm 2, 7.3 х n/сm 2, 1.6 х n/сm 2, 1.0 х n/сm 2, 1.8 х n/сm 2, 6.4 х n/сm 2 RIMST: 1.5 х n/сm 2, 1.2 х n/сm 2, 2.1 х n/сm Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN24

Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN25

Results Annealing ~+20С, 60 min. ELMA1.5х х х х х х х х х CiS1.0х х х х х х х х х ProducerFluence, (n/см 2 ) α, A/cm Expected, α, A/cm Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN26

Full Depletion Voltage Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN27

Good agreement with known data on current degradation for high doses. Not so good for low doses, but might be it because of mistakes in dose measurements. Expected behavior for full depletion voltage Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN28

UMC 180 nm CMOS die size 6.5 mm × 10 mm design AGH Kraków produced 2012 full-size prototype dedicated to signal detection from the double- sided microstrip sensors in the CBM environment Channels, pitch test Channel pitch58 Input signal polarity+ and - Input current10 nA Noise at 30 pF load900 e - ADC range16 fC, 5 bit Clock250 MHz Power dissipation< 10 mW/channel Timestamp resolution< 10 ns output interface4 × 500 Mbit/s LVDS new w.r.t. n-XYTER architecture: effective two-level discriminator scheme fast  low noise  low power dissip ation Readout chip STS-XYTER Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN29

Thank you for your attention! Prague, ASI Symmetries and SPIN30