Transportation Funding Workshop Nova Southeastern University December 10, 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Transportation Funding Workshop Nova Southeastern University December 10, 2012

To plan for the provision of integrated and efficient transportation facilities and services in Miami-Dade County while ensuring the highest possible level of community participation in the transportation planning process.  2,464 square miles in area and over 2.3 million residents  34 municipalities and unincorporated Miami-Dade County

 In 1973, the Federal Transportation Act mandated that each urbanized area (50,000 or more population) establish a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), to ensure integrated metropolitan transportation planning.  Federal formula funds support MPOs.  Federal law required that the Governor of the state designate the agency to serve as the MPO.  MPOs in cooperation with the State, develop transportation plans and programs for the respective urban areas.  In developing such plans and programs, MPOs consider all modes of transportation and the process is to be continuing, cooperative and comprehensive (3-Cs).

 The authority of the MPO resides in the MPO Governing Board.  To receive federal transportation funds the MPO shall: Manage a transportation planning process Produce plans and programs consistent with Federal, State and Local government comprehensive plans and established guidelines Provide a forum for a cooperative decision-making process and citizen involvement Be federally certified

Prepare the Long Range Transportation Plans (LRTP) for the area (20-year Plan). 1 - Prepare the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the area (5-year Investment Program). 2 - Prepare the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) (bi-yearly element of the technical and policy studies) 3 - Carry out an ongoing public involvement process. 4 - Comply with a federally certified transportation planning review 5 -

 The Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is a multi-modal plan for major roadways, airport and seaport surface access, transit and intermodal facilities  Includes short and long-range strategies  It’s a 20-year planning horizon  Complies with state and federal requirements

 The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) lists Improvements to be implemented during the next 5 years  It is the capital improvements element of the 20-year LRTP  The first year is the current Funded Annual Element and the remaining four are the future proposed funded elements  Identifies funding levels by source and type  Type of projects in the TIP, among others: Capacity Improvements for highways and transit Preservation Right-of-way acquisition

 The TIP identifies all sources of funding are federal, state and local levels which are known to be available during the program period, among them:  Priorities in the program are identified by relative staging of projects for implementation during a particular year, consistent with funding availability and production constraints. Motor Vehicle Fees Other Automobile Related “User Fees” Tolls PTP Federal Gas Tax State Motor Fuel Tax Local Option Gas Tax Road Impact Fees

 Agencies FDOT Turnpike MDX Public Works MDT Airport Seaport SFRTA  Areas Highways Primary & Secondary Roads Multimodal & Intermodal Transit Non-Motorized CMP ITS Freight  Other Sections Regional Private Sector Transportation Disadvantaged Unfunded Priority Needs

 The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) defines transportation planning activities to be managed by the MPO that are to be completed during a given two-year period.  Tasks in the UPWP are divided into eight elements: Administration Data Collection TIP LRTP Special Projects Regional Planning Public Participation System Planning  The UPWP also includes the Municipal Grant Program whereby municipalities are granted funds to prepare relevant transportation planning studies.

 One popular task of the UPWP is the MGP  The MPO solicits Miami-Dade County Municipalities to submit transportation planning proposals to be funded under a competitive program.  Each proposal has to include a 20% match.  Proposals are evaluated by the MGP Committee and ranked them for funding allocation  The MPO programs $150,000/year for the MGP in the UPWP