Section 6 – Mean, Median, Mode and Range with Box and Whisker & Stem and Leaf Plots.


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Presentation transcript:

Section 6 – Mean, Median, Mode and Range with Box and Whisker & Stem and Leaf Plots

measures of central tendency meanmedianmode description of data (mean, median and mode) the average (sum/total #) the middle number in an ordered data set the number that appears the most outlierrangestem & leaf plotbox & whiskers plot data value much higher or lower than the rest the difference between the highest and lowest data value display of data made by the digits of the data display of data that breaks the numbers into 4 quadrants

 I can find mean, median, mode and range of a data set.  I can make stem & leaf plots and box & whisker plots.

Find the mean, median, mode and range of the data set. Which better describes the data? Eleven recent test scores: 75, 76, 77, 79, 22, 79, 77, 78, 72, 77 Mean: _____ Median: _____ Mode: _____ Range: _____

Single stem & leaf plot Double stem & leaf plot Test Scores Use the stem and leaf plots to answer the following questions: 1.Median of the test score data. 2.Mode of the city mpg.

In a box and whisker plot the data is split into fourths. The first and last quarters are the “whiskers” and the middle two quarters make the “box”. Five pieces of information are needed from the data before a B&W plot can be made: 1. Lowest value: smallest numerical data point 2. Highest value: highest numerical data point 3. Median: number in the middle of the ordered data 4. 1st (lower) quartile: the median of the first half of the ordered data 5. 3rd (upper) quartile: the median of the second half of the ordered data

 Can you find mean, median, mode and range of a data set? Range of Seattle: _________ Median of San Antonio:__________  Can you read box & whisker plots? Create two inferences about the three box and whisker plots above.