Web Portals Web portal- a "cyber door" on the web that you can enter to customize its contents. This is a starting point for web surfers. You can customize a portal for your needs.
Examples of portals: Excite Amazon.com Yahoo! Netscape's site Microsoft's site
Web portals share common characteristics: Free Links to search engines Membership services News Sports Business headlines Personalized space Discussion groups Links to chat rooms Links to virtual shopping malls Calendars Address books And more!
Keeping Track A Hit is the number of people who visit a site or see an advertisement. A Page view measures the number of unique visitors to a web page.
Portal Personalization To personalize a portal you can go to a major search engines and click on "create your start page ". Then select a user name and passw ord and fill out the rest of the form.
Portal Personalization The information you enter is saved as a cookie file on your PC and on the server. Always sign out of your account before leaving the portal to keep others from gaining access to your portal.
Portal Personalization You can customize the gen eral layout of your page by selecting particular modules that you want to see. You can select specific content for each module that you choose.
Portal Personalization Content includes links consisting of news, business, sports, weather, entertainment, calendars, address books and more!
What is Electronic Commerce? Commerce occurs when two parties engage in a business transaction. Transaction occurs when two parties exchange two or more items of economic value.
What is Electronic Commerce? Electronic commerce- commerce that parties conduct over various kinds of netw orks instead of in person Electronic commerce has existed for many years. Electronic Funds Transfers (EFTs or wire transfers)- electronic transmissions of account exchange information over private networks.
What is Electronic Commerce? Electronic data interchange (EDI)- occurs when one business transmits computer-readable data in a standard format to another business. EDI replaces the paper purchase order and invoice with electronic messages. When EDI includes payment information, it is called financial EDI.
What is Electronic Commerce? Automated clearinghouses - systems created by banks or groups of banks to electronically clear their accounts with each other. Value-added networks (VANs)- businesses created to meet the demands imposed by EDI.
What is Electronic Commerce? The Web had given the Internet an easy-to-use interface. Businesses can now use the Internet to make shopping more convenient. The immediacy of the medium offers businesses an attractive way to accept orders from investors.
Examples of businesses using the Internet for electronic commerce: Catalog retaining Book and music retailing News, Information, and Advertising Online auctions
Cost-reduction One reason firms engage in electronic commerce is to control costs. Firms have used web sites to provide support instead of hiring individuals.
Customer Concerns Participants in electronic commerce have two major concerns: Transaction security- Are payments made secure? Privacy- Will my privacy be violated?
Customer Concerns Assurance provider- a third party that, for a fee paid by the web site, will certify that the site meets criteria for conduction business in a secure and privacy-preserving manner.
Customer Concerns Providers: The Better Business Bureau (BBB) TRUSTe The International Computer Security Association (ICSA) VeriSign WebTrust
Customer Concerns Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) protocol is a more complex, considerably more secure protocol than the SSL protocol that is being created/developed.