LESSON 9 Letter Writing.  Part One Forms of an English Letter 信头( letterhead ) Sample: Indented Form 斜列式 Northwest Normal University 805 Anning East.


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Presentation transcript:

LESSON 9 Letter Writing

 Part One Forms of an English Letter 信头( letterhead ) Sample: Indented Form 斜列式 Northwest Normal University 805 Anning East Road Lanzhou Gansu, P. R. of China October 12, 2004

 Part One Forms of an English Letter Sample: Block Form 左齐式 405 Alberta Street West Lafayette, IN U. S. A. June 6, 2004

 Part One Forms of an English Letter Sample 3: Indented Form 斜列式 Sample 4: Block Form 齐头式 Prof. Qi Yunwu, Ph. D. Shanghai Normal University 100 Peace Road Shanghai P. R. of China James Brown, Deputy Director The International Education Service Washington State University Seattle, WA U.S.A.

称呼( salutation ) 正文( body ) 信的正文一般应分段。一种方式是每段文字开头时缩进 4 个字母,以同 一种方式另起一段。还有一种分段方式是,所有内容左齐,段与段之间留 一个空行(见 Samples 7~8 )。信写好后,如果还有话要说,可用 P. S. ( Postscript , “ 又及 ” 之意)表示补叙。事务信件要目的明确、行文简洁, 而且要用正式文体。格式与私人信件相同。 结句( complimentary closure ) 这是对收信人的告别语,其首字母要大写。对不同身份的人,要用不同 的恰当的结尾。 签名( signature ) 签名(见 Sample 7~8 )一般在结尾语之下一至二行处。 信封的写法( envelope )  Part One Forms of an English Letter

Sample: Envelop 信封 Stamp Zhao Min Department of Chemistry Fudan University Shanghai P. R. of China Prof. Zhang Huacheng Maryland State University Maryland, MD U.S.A. URGENT !

No 社交书信 邀请信与回复( invitation letter and reply ) 1 .非正式的邀请信与回复 ( informal invitation letter and reply ): Sample: Informal Invitation Letter for a Dinner Party 非正式的晚宴邀请 Dear Larry and Kate, Next Friday is our father’s sixtieth birthday. It is a very important occasion for us and we are going to have a small dinner party to celebrate it. We do hope you can join us. The party will be held at Room 406, Peace Hotel, Nanjing Road at 6: 00 the next Friday evening, October 15th. We’ll be eagerly waiting for your coming. Affectionately, Jimmy and Mary  Part Two Social Correspondences

Sample: Politely Declining an Informal Invitation 谢绝邀请的回信 Dear Jimmy and Mary, Thank you very much for your kind invitation, but I’m very sorry I really can’t come, because I’m flying to New York to have a very important business meeting that evening. Fortunately Kate will be free that evening, and she’ll surely come to your dinner party at 6: 00 that Friday, with my best wishes. With best regards, Larry

Dear Professor Lin, On behalf of Ohio State University, I would be very pleased to invite you to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming 2004 International Conference on Information Systems to be held in Chicago, from August 25 to August 28, We enclose a copy of the advance program. If you can come, please let us know as soon as possible, since we have to prepare the final program soon. We are looking forward to your acceptance. Sincerely yours, James Black 正式的邀请信( formal invitation letter ): Sample: Formal Invitation Letter for a Conference 会议正式邀请信  Part Two Social Correspondences

祝贺信( letter of congratulation ) Sample: Congratulation for Graduation 祝贺毕业 Dear Carter, It is really a great pleasure to learn that you are graduating from Peking University and planning to find a job in a computer company. This is a notable day in your life and of course, for your parents, relatives and friends. Congratulations on the job well done while at university and I am rejoicing with you on this happy occasion. You will be going out into the world to make a career for yourself. You stand on the threshold of what I hope will be a happy life and a rewarding career. I wish you well in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness. Sincerely, William  Part Two Social Correspondences

道歉信( letter of apology ) Sample: Letter of Apology for Absence 因上课缺席而道歉 Dear Sir, I am terribly sorry that I wasn’t able to come to the class this morning owing to a severe attack of illness. I enclose a certificate from the doctor who is attending me, and he fears it will be three days before I can attend classes. I hope that my enforced absence will not bother you. Respectfully yours, Qin Yan

申请信( application letter ) Sample : Application for a Position 求职申请 Dear Sir, After I graduate from the Department of Foreign Trade of Beijing University this summer, I will be seeking employment in the international trade sector, and I am writing you because your business in foreign trade is well-known. I would look forward to dealing with foreign companies and at the same time having a chance to use English more. At twenty-two, I am young and energetic, and anxious to get started in foreign trade and learn some practical experience. Though I have no work experience, I am sure my college record shows that I can be a good, steady and reliable worker. The dean of my department, Mr. Li Hechuan, has said that he would be happy to be my reference. I am free any time for an interview. I hope to see you soon. I am enclosing a brief resume of myself as you request. Please send any application forms that you want me to fill in and let me know if you want an interview. I may be reached by letter at the address given above, or by telephone at Sincerely, Wu Li  Part Two Social Correspondences

 Part Two Notarization 请假条( asking for leave ) Sample: Asking for Leave 请假条 Oct. 11, 2004 Dear Mr. Ning, I am awfully sorry that I can’t come to class today, for I have to go to the dentist for immediate treatment of my teeth, which are making me experience a stinging pain, depriving me of my sleep during the past fortnight. I guess my absence will not cause you any inconvenience. Sincerely yours, Betty

 Part Two Notarization 失物招领启事 ( lost and found ) Found A purse with some money and other things has been found. Owner please applies to the General Affairs Office. May 5, 2000

 Part Three Writing 电子邮件地址的构成( components of address ) 标准的电子邮件地址: ,其中 wuren2004 是用户名 (读作 at )是电子邮件代号, 163.com 是邮件服务器代号。 写作要领( skills in writing ) 1. 在标题( Heading )栏的 “ 收件人( To ) ” 框中输入收信人的 地 址。 2.“ 主题( Subject ) ” 框的内容应简明地概括信的内容,短的可以是一个 单词,如 greetings ;长的可以是一个名词性短语,也可以是完整句,但 长度一般不超过 35 个字母。 3. 电子邮件不同于一般的信件,一般都比较短,不适合在上面讨论很多 问题。如果内容很多,可以选择使用附件( attachment ),而不是全部 写在邮件上。 4. 一般使用非正式的文体,因此正文( body )前的称呼 ( salutation )通常无须使用诸如 “Dear Mr. John” 之类的表达。在同辈 的亲朋好友或同事间可以直呼其名,但对长辈或上级最好使用头衔加上 姓,如: Tommy ,或者 Mr. Smith 。

电子邮件中常用缩略词( acronyms in s ) 为了达到交流便捷迅速的目的,人们常常在电子邮件中使用缩略语。如: ASAP: as soon as possible. AFAIK: as far as I know AAMOF: as a matter of fact FAQ: frequently asked questions AFAIC: as far as I ’ m concerned FTF: face-to-face TIA: thanks in advance ATST: at the same time CU: see you 4ever: for ever IOW: in other words 3KU: thank you BTW: by the way AMBW: all my best wishes PLS: please  Part Three Writing