EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND EQUAL - The European Perspective EQUAL Initiative EQUAL The European Perspective Dublin - 25 September 2003 Ian Livingstone European.


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Presentation transcript:

EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND EQUAL - The European Perspective EQUAL Initiative EQUAL The European Perspective Dublin - 25 September 2003 Ian Livingstone European Commission Brussels

EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND EQUAL - The European Perspective EQUAL Initiative EQUAL is a two-dimensional programme: It can be viewed as a stand-alone programme carrying out important and innovative activities at local, or at national level But EQUAL is also a part of a larger picture, which includes the Lisbon Strategy and the European Employment Strategy

EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND EQUAL - The European Perspective EQUAL Initiative The Lisbon Strategy for economic, social and environmental renewal The Lisbon Strategy is a commitment to bring about economic, social and environmental renewal in the EU. In March 2000, the European Council in Lisbon set out a ten-year strategy to make the EU the world's most dynamic and competitive economy. Under the Strategy, a stronger economy will drive job creation alongside social and environmental policies that ensure sustainable development and social inclusion.

EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND EQUAL - The European Perspective EQUAL Initiative The European Employment Strategy: is a key component of the Lisbon Strategy establishes a framework for action based on the commitment from Member States to establish a set of common objectives and targets for employment policy the Barcelona Council in 2002 called for a reinforced Employment Strategy to underpin the Lisbon strategy in an enlarged EU.

EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND EQUAL - The European Perspective EQUAL Initiative The Barcelona Council in 2002 concluded that the European Employment Strategy (EES) had proved its worth. It called for a reinforced Strategy to build on its achievements. It also urged the Council and the Commission to streamline the various policy co-ordination processes at EU level. In 2003 the Commission presented an outline for the revised strategy with concrete objectives and targets.

EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND EQUAL - The European Perspective EQUAL Initiative The NEW European Employment Strategy highlights three overarching objectives: Full employment, Quality and productivity at work, Cohesion and an inclusive labour market and insists on a better delivery and governance of the EES.

EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND EQUAL - The European Perspective EQUAL Initiative The three overarching objectives of the new EES: 1. Achieving full employment calls for a broad policy mix incorporating both demand and supply side measures. Other EU and national policies are relevant in this respect, especially those influencing the macro-economic climate and the general environment for job creation.

EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND EQUAL - The European Perspective EQUAL Initiative The three overarching objectives of the new EES: 2. Quality and productivity at work Quality is at the heart of the European social model and covers a number of dimensions, including; - satisfaction with pay and working conditions, - health and safety at the work place, - the availability of flexible work organisation, - working time arrangements and - balance between flexibility and security.

EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND EQUAL - The European Perspective EQUAL Initiative The three overarching objectives of the new EES: 3. Cohesion and an inclusive labour market Access to a job, ensuring opportunities to acquire the skills necessary to enter and remain in the labour market (reflecting in particular the wide use of ICT and the move to a knowledge based society), and the possibility to progress in terms of pay and qualifications are major factors promoting social inclusion.

EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND EQUAL - The European Perspective EQUAL Initiative Within the NEW European Employment Strategy there will be a new generation of Employment Guidelines which will reflect the following elements: Three overarching objectives reflecting the Lisbon balance A stronger emphasis on the delivery and governance of the EES The identification of a limited number of priorities Specific messages addressed to the social partners The definition of appropriate targets.

EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND EQUAL - The European Perspective EQUAL Initiative The 10 commandments To support the three objectives of full employment, quality and productivity at work and cohesion and an inclusive labour market, the Commission has identified 10 priorities for action: 1. help unemployed and inactive to find a job, prevent long-term unemployment 2. encourage entrepreneurship and improve climate for business start-ups 3. promote adaptability of workers and firms to change 4. provide more and better investment in human capital 5. increase labour supply and promote active ageing 6. promote gender equality in employment and pay 7. combat discrimination against disadvantaged groups 8. improve financial incentives to make work pay 9. reduce undeclared work substantially 10. promote occupational and geographical mobility

EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND EQUAL - The European Perspective EQUAL Initiative EQUAL is clearly in a prime position - to contribute to the EES - to the success of the Lisbon Strategy. We know that, because we know and believe in EQUAL But is our confidence shared by the decision- makers who will ultimately decide on the precise instruments to be used to achieve the objectives of the New EES?

EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND EQUAL - The European Perspective EQUAL Initiative The future of the Structural Funds: Mid-term Review is on-going: Objective 1 in the post-2006 period will probably not include Ireland Objective 2 may not cover all areas outside Obj. 1 50% of Objective 2 funding would be for the ESF

EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND EQUAL - The European Perspective EQUAL Initiative The future of the Structural Funds: Nothing is yet clear concerning the continuation beyond 2006 of the Community Initiatives, including EQUAL or a successor Human Resources Initiative. The challenge, therefore, is to ensure that EQUAL demonstrates its potential and makes a significant contribution to the success of the Lisbon Strategy. In so doing it will show the importance of this type of tool, and help to ensure that a similar tool continues to be available post-2006.