READING SKILLS 道外区教师进修学校 姜棘轩 道外区教师进修学校 姜棘轩. What is a Reading Skill Any aspect of the process of reading that learners need to master in order to become.


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Presentation transcript:

READING SKILLS 道外区教师进修学校 姜棘轩 道外区教师进修学校 姜棘轩

What is a Reading Skill Any aspect of the process of reading that learners need to master in order to become effective and efficient readers

Why Teach Reading as a Collection of Skills? “ Reading in a foreign language: a reading problem or a language problem? ”

Reading skills may not be the same in all languages Learners might not have developed/be aware of good reading skills in their own language Learners need practice in transferring reading skills to another language Achievable goals --takes away the fear/mystery

How Should we Promote Reading Skills Focus on teaching not testing Explain the purpose of the skill Choose texts that interest the students Match text to students ’ level and the task set Build up text/task differently slowly

Different types of reading skills Skimming Scanning

A List of Reading Skill Skimming Scanning Predicting Interpreting Evaluating Identifying main ideas Perceiving cohesion and syntactic structure Careful reading (for detail) Strategies for tackling unfamiliar words

Skimming and Scanning Moves focus away from careful reading Helps learners feel less threatened by unknown vocabulary Helps learners feel less threatened by longer texts Most learners are probably familiar with skimming and scanning in their own language Increases the range of texts that learners can be exposed to

SKIMMING A quick look through a text in order to get a general idea of what it is about

Teaching Skimming Begin at paragraph level 1) Underline the main idea 2) Choose from a selection of headings(main ideas) 3) Write your own heading for a paragraph Move on to text level 1) Guess the content of a text from the first and last paragraphs 2) Skeleton texts

Everyday skimming For example: --newspapers --magazines -- s --the internet --choosing books

SCANNING A quick look through a text in order to find specific information.

‘ Real life ’ Scanning Telephone directory Newspapers Catelogues Scanning races TV Guide You can ’ t get Channel 4 He refuses to watch ITV You ’ re recording somehting yourself between 1pm and 3pm

Scanning and Skimming( 查读 与略读 ) Can scan titles or diagrams for specific information 能通过查读标题或图表获取信息 Can scan particular signs (such as $, %, ) for specific information 能通过查读特殊符号获取具体 信息。 Can skim the text to know what it is about 能通 过略读文章了解主要内容。 Can skim the topic sentence to have a general understanding of the paragraph. 能通过略读主题 句了解大意。 Can skim the text for key words 能通过略读 文章抓住关键词

Predicting 预测 Can use titles or subtitles to predict the content 能利用标题或副标题预测语篇内容 Can make a judgment by prediction 能通过预 测做出判断 Can predict by signals of the language 能利用 提示词做出预测 Can predict by common knowledge 能运用常 识做出预测 Can predict the outcome of an article 能预测 文章结局

Guessing the Meanings of Unfamiliar Words 猜测生词 Can use information after in other words 能利用 in other words 之后的信息 Can use information after for example and such as 能 利用 for example 或 such as 之后的信息 Can use information after other or before and other 能利用 other 之后或 and other 之前的信息 Can use information after or before the colon 能利用 or 之后或 before 之前的信息 Can use information in parentheses 能利用括号内的 信息。

Identifying the Main Idea 识别 篇章的中心意思 Can identify the topic of paragraph 能识别段 落主题 Can identify the main idea of a paragraph 能 识别段落大意 Can identify the main idea of the entire text 能识别文章主旨 Can draw a conclusion 能做出结论 Can make sound judgments 能做出有理有据 的判断

Identifying Facts 辨认事实 Can Identify plain facts 能辨别简单事实 Can identify supporting details 能辨别事实的 细节 Can identify facts versus opinions 能识别事实 与观点 Can make inference by all related facts 能根 据相关事实做出推断 Can identify implied facts 能识别隐含事实

Recognizing the Cohesion and Coherence of an Article Can recognize indicators in discourse 能识别 语篇中的指代关系 Can identify cause and effect 能分辨因果关系 Can understand comparison and contrast 能 理解比较于对比的语句 Can understand context clues 能理解语境线 索 Can identify words with multiple meanings 能 分辨多义词的特定含义

Identifying Facts 辨认事实 Can identify plain facts 能识别简单事实 Can identify supporting details 能识别事实的 细节 Can identify fact versus opinion 能识别事实与 观点 Can make inference by all related facts 能根 据相关事实做出推断 Can identify implied facts 能识别隐含事实

Guessing the Meanings of Unfamiliar Words 猜测生词 Can understand pictures or diagrams 能理解 图片或图表 Can use information after a dash 能利用破折 号之后的信息 Can use information after a comma 能力用逗 号之后的信息 Can use information after or 能利用 or 之后的 信息 Can use information after i.e, that is, and namely 能利用 i.e.,that is, namely 之后的信息

Finding the Sequence 寻找顺 序线索 Can find the sequence according to the logical order 能识别逻辑顺序 Can recognize the ordinal markers when identifying the writing sequence 能识别有关先后顺序的提示词 Can find the sequence according to the spatial order 能识别空间顺序 Can find the sequence according to the time order 能 识别时间顺序 Can find the sequence of how to make things 能识别 事物的制作程

Finding the main idea 识别篇 章的中心意思 Can identify the topic of a paragraph 能识别 段落主题 Can identify the main idea of a paragraph 能 识别段落大意 Can identify the main idea of the entire text 能识别文章的旨 Can draw a conclusion 能做出结论 Can make sound judgments 能做出有理有据 的判断