BTEC Nationals - ICT LO: To develop the skills required to give an effective presentation
What is a presentation?
Presentation is the practice of showing and explaining the content of a topic to an audience or learner.
What forms could a presentation take?
Types of presentation Slideshow – never refer to a presentation as a ‘PowerPoint.’ Many other software packages allow the creation of slideshows. Flip chart Telephone / Conference call Discussion / speech OHP
Guy Kawasaki Watch just the first 2 minutes of the presentation below More on him later!!
Ten golden rules for giving presentations
Don’t overuse your visuals Usually your visuals are posters, charts, or even a PowerPoint presentation. Keep visuals simple Remember the audience isn’t there to read your slides, they are there to listen to you present.
Look at the audience Look right in front of you and make eye contact with numerous people that you are presenting too. Eye contact with the audience will allow you to engage with them. Lack of eye contact means lack of interest from the audience. Don’t ‘hide’ behind any notes or cue cards which you might have.
Personality Be relaxed, this will allow your personality to be more prevalent and will put your audience at ease. Your personality can help get your point across.
Laughter Educating your audience is important, but laughter creates alertness. If your audience is alert what is the expected outcome?
Get the audience involved Talk to the audience – not at them Create a conversation, how could you do this?
Honesty Many people present what they think the audience wants to hear – DON’T!! Tell the truth, people will respect you for this and will be more engaged in your presentation
Don't over prepare To much rehearsal of a presentation will make it sound like that – in a bad way. This doesn't mean don't prepare at all – it means have a sound understanding of what your are presenting about. If you memorise what you are going to say or over rehearse it there is a danger you will end up coming across like a robot!! The best presenters say not to rehearse a presentation, this will allow you to be more natural
Movement Use gestures and move around a bit (don't over do it!) Nobody likes to watch someone that is rooted to the spot and shows no emotion – people will become more engaged to a speaker who is ‘animated’.
Watch what you say You usually don’t notice when you say “uhm”, “ah”, or any other useless word frequently, but the audience does. It gets quite irritating; so much that some members of the audience will probably count how many times you say these useless words! If they are doing this what aren't they doing?
Differentiation Try and be unique, be you. Make yourself memorable – how did Guy Kawasaki make himself standout from other presenters in his appearance?
Differentiation How did Guy Kawasaki make himself standout from other presenters in his appearance? With his awful shirt!!!!! Anything else aside From his appearance?
Task one Earlier you watched Guy Kawasaki giving a presentation, watch the first 2 minutes of the video again - kY3o kY3o This time, make a note of which of the ten golden rules which he follows.
Task one part B How many golden rules does Guy Kawasaki follow?
Task one How many golden rules does Guy Kawasaki follow? Nine, its difficult to see the ‘honesty’ rule in its entirety in this short extract...
Task 2 – YOUR TURN!! Create a short presentation – 1 or 2 slides and no longer than five minutes Present about something important to you, which you are comfortable talking, friends, pet, mobile phone etc. You will be expected to give your short presentation to the class – you need to get as many of the ten golden rules into your presentation as possible.
Task 3 The audience – as an audience you need to be doing two things – – Trying to take in the information which the presenter is presenting – Recording (on the sheets provided) how many of the ten golden rules the presenter achieves. At the end be prepared to make comments about the presentation.