Fossils Computer Assignment 31 pts. Geologic Time Animation Complete the Game and screenshot your 100% percentage below 5 pts.


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Presentation transcript:

Fossils Computer Assignment 31 pts

Geologic Time Animation Complete the Game and screenshot your 100% percentage below 5 pts

Get online book here!!!!! Login: Links5 Password: Geoscience11

Types of Fossils Page 342 Screenshot the Game here. List the 5 types of fossils and provide a picture to represent each Petrified 10 pts

Geologic Time and Fossils Game Click me for animationanimation Screenshot your final score at the end out of 10 points… try to get an 9/10 at least

Play this game and screenshot final page when you win Fossil Succession Screenshot final worksheet here! Watch this portion of the animation 10 pts Page

Fossil Correlatio n Here is how can relate different rock layers and their fossils to find the age of an unknown layer or fossil 1 mya 2 mya 3 mya 4 mya 5 mya 6 mya 7 mya 8 mya 9 mya 10 mya Lets Practice! Type of Fossils 1 mya2 mya3 mya4 mya5 mya6 mya7 mya8 mya9 mya yes no yes no Fill in the chart with a yes when fossil was present, and no when not… mya=millions of years ago HINT: When all the fossils are present it means that the rock is that age….. How old is the yellow rock later…circle it when done

Use Page 344 and list the 2 requirements for fossilization Step 5 Step 6Step 7Step 8 Step 4Step 3Step 2Step 1 Fossilization Dinosaurs roamed the Earth 65 million years ago Description ORDER THESE 11 pts