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Name here.   Login: Links  Password: Geoscience5.

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Presentation on theme: "Name here.   Login: Links  Password: Geoscience5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name here

2   Login: Links  Password: Geoscience5

3  Click on this link….link  1. Describe what you see?  2. How many million years did it take for this to happen?  3. How do we know this happened… Click to find out 5 points

4 Scan pages 248-251 to complete to activity below and to identify the vocabulary words over there KnowUnsureThink I Know Click on the link to complete the activity. Screenshot once all the questions are correct and put Find a picture of Pangaea and put it here. 12 points

5  Click here for moviehere  Screenshot your 4/4 for 4 points!!!!! Screenshot here

6  List the three types of evidence that support Wegener’s hypothesis. Click on the link to complete the activity. Screenshot once all the questions are correct and put 25 points

7 Use pages 256-257 to help you answer the activity below. Define sea-floor spreading in your own words here. Click on the link and put a screenshot of all the correct answers here. Gracias!link Find a picture of sea-floor spreading process from Google and put it here. 14 points Who came up with the concept of sea-floor spreading?

8 Click me for animation Click this for game Screenshot your answers here 5 points

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