Image Source: Property Manager Website - Presentation by Clarine Lacroux, February 13,2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Image Source: Property Manager Website - Presentation by Clarine Lacroux, February 13,2012

 Section 8 housing – also known as the “Housing Choice Voucher” (CV)- is the largest housing assistance program to date.  Local housing authorities find housing on the private market that have conceded to the voucher program.  Eligible recipients are given a housing subsidy to cover the difference between 30% of the recipient's income and a payment standard set by the local housing authority (usually fair market rate)  In theory the voucher program seeks to provide greater housing choices, opportunities for geographic mobility and economic and racial integration.

Maps Created by Clarine Lacroux Data Source: Census 2000, HACLA

 Analyze the spatial distribution of Section 8 housing mediated by other service providers, such as Non Profit Organizations.  Does subsidized rental housing depress neighborhood property values?  Identify suburbanization patterns amongst Section 8 voucher recipients. Image Source: How Stuff Works Website - Image Source: US Affordable Housing Institute. Website-

 Spatial Distribution of Section 8 housing: Skills: Inset Map of Southern California and Geocoding of available section 8 housing in the City of Los Angeles.  Median Income and population below poverty line: Skills: custom shapefile  Proximity to public housing and density: Skills: custom shapefile  Racial Integration: Skills: % families below poverty line derived by querying (pov_buff)/(fam_buff)*100 and exporting data to a new layer. Point graduated symbol for % families below. Buffer creation of 1 mile radii around section 8 housing. Aggregating attribute fields derived: positive integration : Whites > or = African American +American Indian + Asian + America Hawaian + other, negative integration: whites<African American + American Indian + Asian + America Hawaian+ other