My section is about the prevention of suicide. It tells the Do’s and Don'ts to do in this situation. It also includes the important things a friend can.


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Presentation transcript:

My section is about the prevention of suicide. It tells the Do’s and Don'ts to do in this situation. It also includes the important things a friend can do to help a suicidal person. My section tells how to feel better about yourself if you are considering suicide.

The main idea is about what to say and what to not say to a suicidal person.

Do’sDon'ts Take seriously a suicidal person’s threats. Trust your feelings if you believe the person may be suicidal. Tell the suicidal person how concerned you are and how much you care about him or her. Listen carefully to a suicidal person. Find professional help for the suicidal person. Stay with the suicidal person until help arrives. Do not dare the suicidal person to go ahead and make the suicidal attempt. Do not judge the suicidal person. Do not analyze the suicidal person’s motives. Do not try to argue or try to convince the suicidal person of reasons why he or she shouldn’t attempt suicide. Do not keep the suicidal person’s self destructive thoughts or actions a secret Do not leave a suicidal person alone.

If you are with a person who wants to commit suicide, give them the best advice you can to make them not want to commit suicide. When you are dealing with a suicidal person do not judge who they are, but help them out. This relates to the class because it shows what to do in a suicide-related problem. It is important because it is something a friend can do to help another friend with a suicide attempt.

For example, I had a friend who was going through a problem of his parents getting a divorce. He called me and just started to panic and cry on the phone. I just told him to relax, calm down, and tell me the problem. He then told me he wants to jump out the window and die, but I told him to stop and think about what your about to do. I told him both his parents would be upset if he died, and he agreed. Then, he thanked me and told me he was going to tell his parents how he feels about the divorce, instead of committing suicide.

I think this topic is very interesting and I feel like everybody should know about this topic because you never know if it could happen to you. If it did happen then you would know exactly what to do. Always help a suicidal person Do not judge Take it seriously Trust your feelings Do not leave the problem

Conclusion My section was about what you do and don’t do to help a suicidal person. It is something you should not forget and something everybody should consider learning about.