Gun Violence by: Carlos Argueta
Homicides 1% of homicides are occurred among school aged kids between 5-19 year olds, which happened in or around school between 5-19 year olds, which happened in or around school grounds or on the way to school or from school grounds or on the way to school or from school
School violence Between the years of , 220 schools were associated Between the years of , 220 schools were associated in violent events which ended in 253 deaths. 74.5% involved in violent events which ended in 253 deaths. 74.5% involved firearms, and handguns caused 60% of these deaths. firearms, and handguns caused 60% of these deaths.
Fear of Violence 8% of all adolescents (senior high school students) missed at 8% of all adolescents (senior high school students) missed at least 1 day of school in a month because they were scare least 1 day of school in a month because they were scare of attending the school because of the fear of school violence. of attending the school because of the fear of school violence.
Children and Gun Violence America has lost a lot of children due to gun violence. Between 1979 and 2001 gunfire killed 90,000 kids and teens. Between 1979 and 2001 gunfire killed 90,000 kids and teens. In one year children and teens more of them died due to In one year children and teens more of them died due to gunfire then dyeing to cancer, influenza, and aids combined. gunfire then dyeing to cancer, influenza, and aids combined.
Kids and guns The average of kids with firearms of age 15 is 12 times worst in the U.S then in 25 industrialized countries combined. in the U.S then in 25 industrialized countries combined.
Gun Violence at America Everyday more than 80 persons in America die from fired arms. fired arms.
Suicides American kids are 16 times more likely to be murdered with a gun, and 9times more likely to commit suicides. a gun, and 9times more likely to commit suicides.
Terrorists Terrorists have purchased many guns from gun shows were there are unlicensed sellers are not required to ask for there are unlicensed sellers are not required to ask for identification. identification.
Day by Day In a year 3,012 children and teens died by gunfire in the U.S. one child every 3 hours, 8 every day, and more than 50 every one child every 3 hours, 8 every day, and more than 50 every week. week.
Gun stores Gun Studies show that 1% of every gun sold have led to a 57% of all gunfire murders. 57% of all gunfire murders.
Seniors An American medical association reported that 11 th to 12 th graders 37% to 60% can easily get a gun if they wanted to. graders 37% to 60% can easily get a gun if they wanted to.
High schools and Middle schools 60% of the high school students own or can easily get a weapon and 31% of middle school students can easily get a weapon and 31% of middle school students can easily get a weapon if they wanted to. weapon if they wanted to.
My Opinion I think that they should Ban or at least make a better gun control since there are a lot murders, suicides, etc. Since a lot control since there are a lot murders, suicides, etc. Since a lot of children and teens have been murdered because of gunfire. of children and teens have been murdered because of gunfire.
Bibliography tatistics.htm