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Presentation transcript:


Richelor Pierznik



3,000,000 people were affected by the quake 316,000 people had died 300,000 had been injured 1,000,000 made homeless. THE EARTHQUAKE

THE SITUATION OF HAITI Health care situation Education system

SUFFERING FROM DISEASES… - Children suffer from diseases could have been prevented… - There are many medicines but… - If they get shots…

CHILDREN WITH AIDS - More than 20,000 children are living with AIDS now - Do they need to suffer from AIDS? - They need more better health care than now

WATER… CAN YOU DRINK IT? - Water has a critical impact on health of children - Dirty water is the biggest problem of diseases - 40% of children cannot drink clean water

Education Statistics Reasons


Reasons: 1- Poverty: Few public school 80% attend private schools 300,000 of children are working

2- Unqualified teachers:

3- Schools are not eligible

VWA AYITI  “The Voice of Haiti” closely aligned with some organizations which are helping Haiti.

PURPOSE: The Voice of Haiti 1. promotion and support of self-help efforts in education, health, and community development. 2. short-term relief, intermediate-term rebuilding and long-term development.

WHO WILL BE HELPED :  They focus their resources in the rural and often- disregarded areas of Haiti. Reason: Because Port-au-Prince receiving most of the attention from a media, rescue, medical and security standpoint, these smaller towns were left without assistance of any kind.

WHAT HAVE THEY DONE: 1. Orphanage 2. Professional Training 3. Water purification

ORPHANAGE  has supported Centre D'Hbergement Timoun Yo La, an orphanage severely damaged by the Earthquake  provide clean drinking water, nutritional food, clothes, shoes, beds and medicine to 55 children

SPONSORED EDUCATION  we've sponsored the education of 50 children in Shada, the poorest area of Cap-Haitian.  They’ve also provided professional training for individuals

WATER PURIFICATION  isolated a cleaner source of water from deep within the reservoir’s cistern.  examine the existing infrastructure  Beginning in January 2007, The Voice of Haiti began repairs on the existing infrastructure and they have opened three water distribution points throughout the village.

 Bill Pierznik  Three Categories: 1.Now children needs 2.Success on helping children 3.Lack of corruption THE INTERVIEW


 Now children needs Adopting 100% $3000! 55 children FIRST CATEGORY

 Success on helping children 55 children Orphanage 20 children SECOND CATEGORY

 Lack of corruption Spending money 97% of money 3% of money THIRD CATEGORY


THIS IS A COUNTRY WORTHLESS TO SAVE 80% are the poor - so they rob crimes and plagues are everywhere - so they die when the newborn come to the world - they ignore… IF THEY GIVE UP THEMSELVES, WHY BOTHER DO WE STILL SEND AID TO THEM?

WE SHALL NOT TAKE HOPE FROM KIDS without health care - die young or grow up with no thankful, faithful, or beautiful hearts. without good education - become nobody but a new generation of gangsters, beggars, and victims. AID ONLY SPOILES THEM. THEY TAKE IT AS THEY DESERVE IT.

ONLY VOICE OF HAITI CAN BRING HOPE by rebuilding communities - SELF-SUSTAINING - find back their dignity - more than just survive - willing to pay attention on kids - possibility of well educated - grow up with no hatred in their heart THEY WON’T WASTE A PENNY YOU DONATE! BECAUSE THEY FOUND OUT THE RIGHT SOLUTION.