Unit 4 Status Inquiry If you want to do business with a firm, you will have to know whether it is trustworthy. You will have to ask for credit information.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 4 Status Inquiry If you want to do business with a firm, you will have to know whether it is trustworthy. You will have to ask for credit information and you must make sure you get paid for the products if you are an exporter. Therefore, making status inquiry is of the utmost importance before a firm enter into real business relations with a new customer. Before a company makes a firm offer or plans to make an acceptance, it is advisable for its executives to make a status enquiry to avoid unnecessary risks of being cheated.

Pre-reading questions What is credit and status inquiry? What is the function of status enquiry? Why is it important to obtain all the information possible respecting the firm one is about to enter into relations with? In what way or ways can such information be obtained? /Where to obtain the information? What is the content of inquiry letters? What is the content of replies to inquiry letters?

to make a status enquiry/enquire status /Credit investigation 进行信用调查, 资信调查 c.f. credit status/credit standing 信用状况 financial status/standing 财务状况 Enquiries fall into two categories: one is credit enquiry and the other is business enquiry. 商务查询

Definition of status inquiries A status inquiry is to evaluate the current or potential customer’s financial position and the ability to clear off his debts in order to decide the amount of credit to be granted to him. It is also called credit rating or credit standing.

1.What is the function of status enquiry?

—The function of status enquiries is to get information concerning the financial position, credit, ( one’s integrity in money matters and one’s ability to meet payments when due) reputation, and business methods of other firms. 查询获得有关其他商号的财务状况、信用、声 誉以及业务做法 Businessmen often speak of the three C’s of credit,i.e. character, 信誉(经营作风) capacity (业务能力) and capital.

2. Why is it important to obtain all the information possible respecting the firm one is about to enter into relations with?

— To obtain all the information possible respecting the firm one is about to enter into relations with will help to decide whether it is advisable to do business with the firm or not.It is a common practice for firms engaged in foreign trade to check out their possible new partners so as to avoid risks and financial losses.

3. In what way or ways can such information be obtained?

— Such information can usually be obtained through banks, chambers of commerce, or enquiry agencies( 咨询社 ), etc…. (In international business, an exporter may ask his new customer to give the name of his bank or the name of other firm with which the customer has previously dealt as a reference.) 资信备 询人,证明人 Approach firms that have supplied goods or services to the new company concerned; Apply friends who have had business relations with the new customers for years; Apply to the trader’s bank Write to relevant chambers of commerce

4. From which source is the information obtained most reliable?

. —The information obtained from a bank or from a chamber of commerce is generally most reliable. 1.bank reference 银行证明人 2.trade reference 商界 / 同行证明人 Will a bank give information direct to an unknown trader? What should the trader do then when taking up a bank reference?

5. Why is it necessary for status enquiries to be headed “Confidential” or “Private and Confidential”?

—If status enquiries are headed “confidential” or “Private and Confidential”, readers will pay special attention and care will be taken not to disclose their contents.

Layout of credit enquiry letter I. structure: Para 1. introduce the name of investigated company as well as writing purpose/Making clear the relationship between the two parties and the reason for your inquiries (writing in polite and appreciative tone) 1. … have referred us to you for information about their credit standing. We shall be glad if you will… 2. Let us have any information that will enable us to reach a decision. 3.We shall be glad for any relevant facts that are in your posession. 4.Messrs. Yawata & Co., of Yokohama, are desirous of entering into business relations with us and have given us your address as reference.

5.We should be much obliged for any information as to the standing of the firm and you may rest assured anything thus communicated will go no further. 6.As we are on the point of transacting some important business with them, we should like to know exactly how their credit stands. 7.If you will kindly inform us as to their financial standing, reliability and reputation for paying bills, we shall greatly appreciate the favor. 8.We shall be much obliged if you will let us know your opinion of their solvency, particularly if they are safe for sums varying from £ 5,000 to £ 20, We should esteem it a high favor if you would kindly advise us confidentially whether you consider them safe for U. S. $ 1,000,000.

Para 2. Questions which can be used to obtain information concerning credit /Making your specific inquiry, such as financial standing, business scope and history of meeting obligations. 1.How long have you been in business relations with the firm? ( If their knowledge of the company is limited to a few months trading, you can not hope to accomplish your purpose of obtaining reliable information.) 2. What credit limit have you placed on their account? 贵公司给该公司的信贷额多大? ( credit limit 即赊帐限额 --- 反映资信情况) 3. How promptly are terms met? ( to meet the terms of the payment promptly 付帐及时 ) 如: 一个季度结一次帐;及时付账反映资信状况 4. What amount is currently outstanding? 目前该公司欠账多少?(负债 累累反映资信状况差)

Para 3.Promising or stating it’s confidential / Ensure that the information to be offered will be kept in the strictest secret. 1.We should esteem it a high favor if you would kindly advise us confidentially whether you consider them safe for U. S. $ 1,000, Any information you may give me will, of course, be treated as strictly confidential. 3. We promise to deal with your information in confidentiality.

Para 4. express your appreciation/Expressing your thanks and hope for a reply 1.It would give us great pleasure to be able to render you a similar service should opportunity occur. 2. We look forward to obtaining favorable replies from you. 3. We thank you in advance. 4. We would be highly appreciated if you receive your reply promptly.

Letter 1 on the point 正要 execute v. 执行 execute the contract/ order a considerable order 大额订货 we should be much obliged if…… 如能 … 将不胜感激 In confidence/private 私下的,作为秘密的 modes of business 业务经营方式 modes of payment 付 款方式

Standard Chartered Bank, Karachi Branch 卡拉奇渣打银行 Approach ……for 向 … 联系某事 We have been approached by several buyers for the supply of walnuts. 许多买主向我方联系核桃供应事宜。 Be treated /kept as strictly confidential 严格保密 on your part /at your end 在你方

standing 资信情况,信誉,固定的,永久的 a standing credit of USD5,000 一笔 5000 美元的定额贷款 Standing ( 1 ) going on regularly without change; lasting; permanent 经常的,长期 的 e.g. a standing order 长期订单 standing director 常务董事 standarding cost 固定成本 ( 2 ) position, reputation 情况,地位 (international standing) e.g.We would like you to enquire into Nettleton’s credit standing on our behalf. 我们想请你们代为查询一下 Nettleton 公司的信用状况。 As to our financial/credit standing, we wish to refer you to our bank. 注:外贸中也常将 financial/credit standing 简化为 standing We shall appreciate your giving us particulars as to their standing and reliability for our reference. 恳请你们提供他们的财 务和信用情况以参考。

我公司正准备办理在卡拉奇的 J.A Hussain 公司的一批 大额订货,如贵方能以保密的方式向我们提供这家公 司的财政状况各业务经营方式,我公司将不胜感激。 该公司提供的资信证明人是标准渣打银行卡拉奇分行。 烦请贵方能与上述银行取得联系,以搜集我公司需要 的所有关情况。 诚然,我们将会对贵方提供的一切情况予以严格保密, 贵方对此不负任何责任。

Letter 2 1.In reply to/in answer to your letter of,we wish to inform to…… 兹回复,现回复 2.the chief line 主要经营业务 3.machine tools and electric goods 机床和电器 4.be good for small business engagement 有能力经营 … 业务 5.Stg./sterling 英镑 6.payment by sight L/C 即期信用证付款

兹回复贵 3 月 25 日来函。我行已从标准渣打银行卡拉 奇分行处得到了有关你方所需的资料。卡拉奇邮政信 箱 386 号的 J 。 A Hussain 公司成立于 1979 年,资产为 1 万英镑。该公司主要经营机床和电器的进出口业务。 据了解,供应商与该公司间的交易是满意的。我们认 为该公司有能力经营金额在 3000 英镑内的比较小的业 务。对于大额买卖,我们建议采用即期信用证付款。 以上资料是严格保密的,本银行对此不负任何责任。

Letter 3 In response to / in return to/ to answer Account 账目 — a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance

Exercise Translate the following terms and expressions: A. Into Chinese: 1.treat the information as confidential 2.Please be informed of sth 3.black tea 4.execute / fulfill /carry out an order 5.inquire into 6.inquire about 7.the Standard Chartered Bank 8.It will / would be appreciated if you can / could do sth 8.inform sb of sth 10.keep sb informed of sth

1. 对 …… 信息保密 2. 兹告知 …… 3. 红茶 4. 履行订单 5. 调查 6. 打听 7. 渣打银行 8. 如你能 …... ,我们将非常感激 9. 告知某人某事 10. 随时告知某人某事

B. From English to Chinese 1. 事先,预先 2. 于 …… 一方的 3. 上述的 4. 和某人联系某事 5. 资信征询银行 6. 律师事务所 7. 商业信誉 8. 资信情况 9. 财务状况 10. 保密

1.in advance 2.on one ’ s part / on the part of somebody 3.the above mentioned 4.approach / contact … for … 5.reference ban 6.a law firm 7.business standing /status 8.credit standing /status 9.financial standing /status 10.be kept in confidence

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentence 1.You can( ___ )your lawyer for the settlement of the dispute A. Approach B. get in touch C. get contact with D. touch 2. I appreciate( _____) the opportunity to visit your country. A. Giving B. to have given C. having been given D. to have been given 3. Any information given to us will be held as confidential and will entailno responsibility (_____ )your part. A. in B. for C. after D. on 4. It is necessary to make a status inquiry (_____ )your customer before the execution of the order. A. into B. about C. for D. after 5. Please inform us (_____ ) the supply and demand situation in your country. A. to B. of C. with D. in

6.We will appreciate _____. A. if you can send us your catalogues and price list at an early date B. it if you can send us your catalogues and price list at an early date C. if you could send us your catalogues and price list at an early date D. it if you could send us your catalogues and price list at an early date 7. Recently, there has been many orders _____ the said goods. A. forB. onC. withD. about 8.If your prices are favorable, we would like to order 1,000 cases _____ you. A. toB. with C. for D. on 9.All the information offered by you will be kept _____ confidential. A. in B. as C. to D. with 10. _____ will be appreciated. A. You reply our letter early B. You reply to our letter early C. Your early reply our letter D. Your early reply to our letter

1.A 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. D