Landforms of North America


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Presentation transcript:

Landforms of North America

Continent A large, unbroken land mass that is surrounded by oceans. North America South America Europe Africa Australia Asia Antarctica

Island A smaller body of land, surrounded by water, such as: Hawaii

Peninsula Another body of land, only surrounded by water on 3 sides. Attached to land on the 4th Such as: Florida

Let’s compare these types of bodies of land: Continent Island Peninsula

Bodies of Water Oceans Lakes Rivers

Oceans To the east, is the Atlantic Ocean. A continuous, large body of salt water that covers the earth. To the west of the United States is the Pacific Ocean, To the east, is the Atlantic Ocean.

A body of fresh water that is surrounded by land. Lake A body of fresh water that is surrounded by land. The Great Lakes: Huron Ontario Michigan Erie Superior

River A natural stream of water that flows toward an ocean or other body of water.

Gulf A large area of sea or ocean partially enclosed by land.

Let’s Compare These Bodies of Water Ocean: Lake: GULF RIVER:

Areas of Land Plains: a wide open area of low, flat, usually grassy land Wetlands: low-lying areas at the edge of lakes, and streams where land and water meet (include swamps, marshes and bogs) Forest: an area of dense trees and vegetation Desert: an arid location, with less than 10 in. of rain per year

Can you label each type of land? Plains




Landforms with High and Low Elevation

Mountain A land mass that rises above its surroundings—with a peak!

Mesa An elevated land mass –in the middle of a wide, open area with a flat top and steep sides Mesa = table

Plateau An area of flat, elevated land with at least one steep side (cliff)

Valley Any area of lowland between mountains or hills

Canyon Canyon A deep valley with steep sides between cliffs Common in arid areas In Spanish, canon means pipe or tube