Advice Strategies Advice Strategies in Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire Bedfordshire Advice Forum Facilitated by Organised by Supported by.


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Presentation transcript:

Advice Strategies Advice Strategies in Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire Bedfordshire Advice Forum Facilitated by Organised by Supported by

Workshop Agenda 1. Introductions 2. Background to workshop 3. Why do we need an advice strategy? 4. What should an advice strategy look like? Break – 11.15am 5. How to develop an advice strategy? 6. First steps in developing a strategy 7. Next steps Lunch – 1.00pm

Background Bedfordshire Advice Forum Promoting and supporting the provision of advice and information services in Bedfordshire

BAF - overview Established in 1997 Promotes provision of advice services, through networking, training and support Covers Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire 42 member organisations – from not-for- profit sector

BAF - activities Forum meetings for members Training on advice skills and issues Promotes the advice sector at local strategic meetings Organises advice related projects - Online advice directory - Research with children’s centres - Advice strategies BAF website

Voluntary Works BAF is a member of Voluntary Works - the voluntary sector infrastructure consortium in Bedfordshire and Luton

Voluntary Works – LGR Project BAF has received funding from the LGR Project which is helping the voluntary sector make links with the two new Councils in Bedfordshire. BAF is encouraging the councils to develop an advice strategy

BAF – LGR Project 1.April BAF wrote to the Councils to suggest developing an advice strategy 2.June 2009 – BAF representatives met with Council representatives 3.October 2009 – Workshop held on advice strategies

BAF – LGR Project 4.November 2009 – Development work starts on advice strategies? 5.Early 2010 – Further development work and consultation? Adoption of advice strategies?

Why do we need an Advice Strategy? Why is advice work important? - to individuals? - to the community? - to local authorities? What are the benefits of developing a strategy - in general? - now?

Case for Advice Economic benefits Promotes social inclusion Tackling poverty Fairness and community cohesion Health benefits Improving public services

Advice Strategy Helps meet Local Area Agreement targets Links to Sustainable Community Strategy Advice is a cross-cutting issue Review of funding for 3 rd sector Strong case for advice - child poverty - social inclusion - benefits on health - generates income Disjointed funding – and lack of coordination Increased demand in recession Legal duty Will help in Comprehensive Area Assessments Why do we need an Advice Strategy?

How to develop an advice strategy? Stages Set up working group Define ‘advice’ Develop rationale and aims Identify and map current provision Carry out needs assessment Identify priorities and opportunities Devise strategy Monitor and evaluate

How to develop an advice strategy Set up working group Determine membership of group Representation from statutory, voluntary and private sectors

How to develop an advice strategy Define advice In context of the strategy Civil legal advice Social welfare Rights and responsibilities

How to develop an advice strategy Develop rationale and aims Why is a strategy necessary? What should it address? Vision, principles and aims

How to develop an advice strategy Identify and map current provision Who? Statutory, public, voluntary, private sectors What? Subject areas Where? Geographical When? Opening times Why? Identify areas of duplication, enhance signposting and referrals

How to develop an advice strategy Carry out needs assessment Desk top research into previous needs analyses (CLSP strategic plan) Stakeholder surveys Wider public consultation

How to develop an advice strategy Identify priorities and opportunities Use research above to determine priorities Identify opportunities for new funding streams Identify opportunities for partnership working

How to develop an advice strategy Devise strategy Bring together results of previous stages in written document Set key objectives Develop action plans

How to develop an advice strategy Monitor and evaluate Throughout various stages Action plans To assess whether strategy is working

First steps in developing an advice strategy Vision Principles Aims