Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Tuesday, May 18, 2010


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Presentation transcript:

Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Tuesday, May 18,

Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.— Amen.

Memory Verse John 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.”

John 15:8 God is Glorified through Fruit Bearing Disciples

EN TOUTO – “In the realm of this”. Refers to the realm in which God the Father is glorified: Divine Good production.

MOU HO PATER DOXAZO - Aorist, Passive, Indicative, “To render or esteem glorious.” Fruit bearing that does glorify The Father.

The Passive Voice, the Father receives glory when we produce Divine Good. Because it is His plan and power.

Jesus referring to God the Father as “My Father”, represents His humility to honor and operate inside the Plan of God even though He is co-equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

HINA KARPON POLUS PHERETE Introduces a Purpose Clause that focuses on the intention of glorifying God the Father.

PHERETE - Present, Active, Subjunctive. The Customary Present Tense is “stative” and describes ongoing action, “keep on bearing much fruit”.

The purpose of the supergrace life that is Occupied with Christ is to bear much fruit, which glorifies God the Father.

The Subjunctive Mood also reveals the believer’s volitional responsibility to bear fruit.

KAI – “and” is a Coordinating Conjunction which ties in the following clause:

GENESTHE - Aorist, Middle Deponent, Subjunctive, of GINOMAI. “To come into being, to happen, or to become.”

By being Occupied with Christ you produce Divine Good, with the further result of becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ; all of which has the purpose of glorifying God the Father.

The Subjunctive Mood supports the Purpose Clause for glorifying the Father by fruit production, and now discipleship, having emphasis on volitional responsibility.

EMOI MATHETES - “My disciples”, learners, pupils students of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word - Bible Doctrine.

A student learns in order to apply what he has learned, and that’s what a disciple is, one who has learned B.D. and is applying it to his life.

John 15:8, “In the realm of this, (Divine Good Production), My Father is glorified that you all keep on bearing much fruit and you all become My disciples.”

Principles: 1) There are many disciples that do not follow Jesus. They are believers but they do not follow Him.

2) Jesus is using the word “disciple” in the sense of a true follower who goes all the way with His teaching.

3) Disciple is not a synonym for believer. A disciple is one who is committed to spiritual growth and Spiritual Maturity.

4) Glorification of God comes through Spiritual Maturity, through fruit production, which is the goal in the spiritual life.

5) The purpose for our salvation is to glorify God to the maximum, and that doesn’t happen until Spiritual Maturity.

6) “My Father is glorified” is the function of the supergrace believer’s life whether he is thinking, saying or doing.

7) Prayer is a perfect illustration because in prayer you both “think” and “do” as you offer your prayers to God.

8) The issue for the believer in prayer is thinking in terms of Bible Doctrine.

9) The Father is glorified because it is His Plan that you are thinking about, when offering your prayers.

10) Likewise, it is the grace Plan of the Father in both your ability to offer prayers and His sovereignty to answer your prayers.

11) Divine Good is only possible when we are Occupied with Jesus Christ. Our prayers are a reflection of that as we invoke God to lead us in D.G.P. with the purpose that the Father is glorified.

Grace Fellowship Church Tuesday, May 18, 2010 Tape # God is Glorified through Divine Good Production Upper Room Discourse, Part 370 John 15:8 Grace Fellowship Church Tuesday, May 18, 2010 Tape # God is Glorified through Divine Good Production Upper Room Discourse, Part 370 John 15:8 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2010