Support for an asset based approach to community regeneration Andrew Anderson, Head of Community Assets, HIE Anita Proctor, GCA Project Manager, HIE CoSLA.


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Presentation transcript:

Support for an asset based approach to community regeneration Andrew Anderson, Head of Community Assets, HIE Anita Proctor, GCA Project Manager, HIE CoSLA Conference Centre, Edinburgh, 8 May 2008

What we want to cover Big Lottery Fund Growing Community Assets Background and aims of GCA Benefits Resources Applying to GCA

Community Land Unit & background to GCA –In 2000 CLU began to deliver the Scottish Land Fund for Lottery (New Opportunities Fund) –Between 2001 and 2006 the Scottish Land Fund helped communities to: –acquire, develop and manage local land or land assets in rural Scotland £13,977,612 funding allocated 256 projects assisted

Background to GCA –Success of Scottish Land Fund led to ‘Growing Community Assets’ –2006 CLU successfully bid to deliver GCA as lead agency in following consortium: –HIE CLU –Highland & Islands Community Energy Company –Forth Sector –Community Enterprise in Strathclyde –Scottish Enterprise –Social Investment Scotland

Big Lottery Fund Scotland (£257 Million) to be allocated by summer 2009 –Investing in Communities (4 areas of investment) Growing Community Assets Life Transitions Dynamic, Inclusive Communities Supporting 21 st Century Life Growing Community Assets

–£16,630,041 allocated to 48 projects –£30M still available! –Up to 5 years funding –Assistance available to help at all stages of project –Final date to submit project proposals 1 August 2008 Funding available from GCA

–Support community-led regeneration to enable communities to have more control and influence –Support sustainable development at the local level (joined- up economic, social, environmental outcomes) –Enable communities to generate income for re-investment –Encourage more people to become actively involved in their community –Energise and transform communities! GCA Aims

1.Communities are more able to grasp opportunities, and are more enterprising and self-reliant 2.Communities are stronger, with shared aspirations and the ability to achieve these together 3.Communities have services and amenities that meet people’s needs better and are more accessible 4.People have more skills, knowledge and confidence, and opportunities to use these for the benefit of their community 5.Communities have a more positive impact on the local and global environment The changes we would like to see: The 5 GCA Outcomes

Examples of activity to deliver outcomes include: 1.Acquiring land – must have an end purpose that delivers outcomes 2.Acquiring or developing buildings – to generate income and/or be central to delivery of range of community services 3.Focussing on food – promotion/development of local produce & healthy diet 4.Sustainability – renewable energy, waste recycling, energy efficient buildings 5.Transport – sustainable transport supporting community activity or connections What kind of projects will GCA fund?

Auchencairn Initiative Community Food Initiative North East Castlemilk & Carmunnock Windfarm

GCA applicants must: –Have a constitution that ensures open membership, community leadership & control –Be run by and for the benefit of people living within a defined geographical area (or community of interest in that area) –Have an operating area normally within a single local authority area Who can apply for GCA?

–Technical Assistance (Project Development) 100% intervention rate, normal max £200,000 –Asset acquisition 5% community contribution required, normal max £1M –Capital Asset development 50% intervention rate, normal max £1M –Revenue Support 75% intervention rate Funding available from GCA

–Single entry point for all 4 Investing in Communities Areas of Investment is the Outline Proposal Form (OPF) –OPF submitted to Big Investing in Communities –Big will establish relevant Area of Investment based on project outcomes in OPF The Application Process

What we’re looking for in an application: –Detailed planning – needs, activities and SMART outcomes, with milestones –Plans for monitoring outcomes and self evaluation –Viability – financial, technical & operational IiC Application

Community Land Unit Big Lottery Fund Info Line: Web: OPF line: (or online) What next……..