Office of Science Coupling Coil Status S. Gourlay August 1, 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Office of Science Coupling Coil Status S. Gourlay August 1, 2012

Office of Science Coupling Coil Test Prep Cooling tube welding –Pressure test Horizontal and vertical milling operations –Lead, Quench Protection mounts Coil vacuum epoxy impregnation –Gap between cover plate and coil –Seal gap (no leaks!) Design/fab holding fixture for potting Manufacture QP and lead support parts Install temp sensors, strain gauges

Office of Science Coupling Coil Status/Activities Pressure test complete –Documentation in progress QP hardware installed Thermal test with fixture complete Should start potting today –Out by tomorrow Install strain gauges (six) in strategic areas Assemble lead stabilizers Shipping crate will arrive this week