Toolkit for Mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in the Education Sector Guidelines for Development Cooperation Agencies.


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Presentation transcript:

Toolkit for Mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in the Education Sector Guidelines for Development Cooperation Agencies

Rationale for the Toolkit Mainstreaming ensures that HIV and AIDS ▫become part of the core business of a sector and ▫are addressed in key functions (i.e. planning, budgeting, curriculum, teacher training, human resources, legislation, monitoring and evaluation) The main responsibility lies with ministries of education in each country Development cooperation agencies (multi- and bi-lateral, NGOs and civil society partners) can and should play an important supportive role

The Toolkit supports education sector staff in development cooperation agencies to:  Undertake a comprehensive assessment of the status of mainstreaming in the sector  Identifying key areas that are not being addressed and decide on priorities  Develop a strategy for addressing the gaps  Engage in dialogue to improve the mainstreaming of HIV and AIDS in education  Periodically review progress towards HIV and AIDS mainstreaming  Have access to updated resources on HIV and AIDS mainstreaming It can also be used by other audiences with a mandate for working with the education sector, including non- education stakeholders Purpose and target audience

Guiding principles The Toolkit focuses on: ▫Building awareness ▫Enhancing understanding ▫Strengthening skills ▫Providing specific tools and suggestions It is practical, straightforward with references to existing tools and information Can be used as a stand alone learning tool or as a resource for training

Introduction Joint Agency Position Paper on HIV & AIDS and Education Mainstreaming Tools (12): List of references Overview of content

Structure of the tools Each tool has the same basic structure and includes: A short statement of the purpose Guidance on how to use the tool Short and interactive overview of the topic Questions for reflection and exploration A list of additional resources, with weblinks

This tool uses a flowchart to consider: When is it necessary to make a serious commitment to ensuring that the education sector is prepared for and actively addressing HIV and AIDS? It concludes that a contextually appropriate involvement of the education sector is critical in all settings …

This tool: Considers what mainstreaming is and what it is not Provides sector-specific examples of mainstreaming Examines internal and external dimensions of mainstreaming Reviews barriers to mainstreaming in practice

This tool encourages development agency education staff to reflect on the most important elements of mainstreaming and to reflect on strategies for applying these to their situation

This tool provides suggestions for questions to ask about HIV and AIDS mainstreaming: Across all sectors With respect to the education sector, and in particular concerning: ▫Ethical issues ▫HIV and AIDS education ▫Financial resources ▫Human resources ▫Learners ▫Legislation ▫Community involvement

This tool provides a framework for assessing the status of mainstreaming and deciding on action points

This tool helps to identify: ▫Opportunities for mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in education Various categories of entry points are discussed, including: ▫Existing processes ▫Existing partnerships ▫Thematic issues ▫Specific vulnerable populations ▫Development platforms and policy initiatives

This tool presents five steps for conducting a stakeholder analysis which includes examining who is active in: ▫Policy ▫Advocacy ▫Planning ▫Coordination ▫Implementation ▫Capacity-building ▫Technical support ▫Resource provision ▫Research ▫Monitoring

This tool: Provides information about advocacy and communication related to HIV mainstreaming Includes tips on creating a clear message, with related examples Provides a framework for drawing up an action plan on communication and advocacy

This tool: Advances key reasons for linking gender, sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and HIV & AIDS in education interventions Discusses strategic approaches to mainstreaming gender and SRHR Provides a framework for identifying critical elements

This tool: Provides an overview of issues that impact on children affected by AIDS Emphasises the importance of differentiated strategies depending on epidemiological context and discusses successful examples Highlights strategies for ensuring that the needs of children become an integral part of education responses to HIV and AIDS

This tool acknowledges difficulties in moving from planning to practice and progress. It uses two practical examples as a basis for getting started It provides suggestions on how to move from planning to action, among others by: ▫Building on and strengthening coordination mechanisms ▫Enlisting the support of ‘champions’ ▫Taking advantage of annual reviews and other existing review mechanisms ▫Supporting capacity building ▫Encouraging research and thematic discussions

This tool contains a comprehensive list of institutions and initiatives which provide information and support in key areas discussed in the toolkit, namely: ▫HIV and AIDS in general ▫HIV and AIDS in education ▫Gender and AIDS ▫SRHR

Support for the use of the Toolkit A PDF version of the Toolkit is available at: Support and resources include: ▫A flyer providing an overview of the Toolkit ▫Translations in French and Spanish (under development) ▫A Training Guide for using the toolkit as part of training exercises (under development) In a limited number of cases, the IATT or IATT members may be able to provide technical support for the use of the toolkit Copies of the toolkit, the flyer and the training guide for distribution and training purposes can be provided upon request

About the IATT The Toolkit is a product of the UNAIDS Inter- Agency Task Team on Education The UNAIDS IATT on Education was established in 2002 and focuses on accelerating and improving a coordinated and harmonised education response to HIV and AIDS Further information on the IATT on Education and for access to other publications please log on to: For all information and to share your comments on the Toolkit please contact