促進國中小資訊科技教育國際 交流與應用計畫 ------ 第二次工作坊 時間 2009.02.25 地點 台南聖功女中 計畫主持人 溫嘉榮教授 ( 樹德科大 ) 工作坊報告人 吳誼真老師 ( 高雄市立瑞祥高中 )


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Presentation transcript:

促進國中小資訊科技教育國際 交流與應用計畫 第二次工作坊 時間 地點 台南聖功女中 計畫主持人 溫嘉榮教授 ( 樹德科大 ) 工作坊報告人 吳誼真老師 ( 高雄市立瑞祥高中 )

Outline  I. Introduction of IEARN  II. iEARN Online Course Sharing ---  iEARN Teaching Second and Foreign Languages (SL/FL)  III. Introduction of IEARN Taiwan  IV. Our Project---Leo’s Trip at RSSH, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

I.Introduction of IEARN 1.IEARN=International Education and Resource Network( 國際教育資源網 )

2. Projects on IEARN ( 合作專案 ) Teachers can search suitable project by title, keyword, subject, age level, and language.

3.Forums ( 論壇 ) Teachers and students can find partners on Teachers Forum and Students Forum.

II. IEARN Online Course Sharing--- Teaching Second and Foreign Languages 1. Course Syllabus( 課程計畫 )

2.Class Forum ( 課程論壇區 )

3.My online course classmates ( 線上同學分佈圖 )

4. Week 3— Christmas Card Exchange Project

5. Week 3— Christmas card exchange Teachers forum and students forum ( 分組討論區 )

6.Text area ( 文字發表輸入區 )

7. Christmas Card Exchange  Mail from Russia’s teacher

Card from Russia Student

Letter from Russia Student

Photo from Russia

III. Introduction of IEARN Taiwan

臺灣教師的 IEARN 專案

IV. Our Project---Leo Trip at RSSH, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 1. 1.Building a Bridge Between Leo and Lily Leo from Lynnwood Elementary, USA Lily from Min-Chung kindergarten, Taiwan

2. Keeping a diary for Leo by Ming-chun kindergarten students “Leo and I collected the receipt in front of our building. Leo took pictures with a dog. We met neighbors in the elevator and collected lots of receipts….”

 Ha! I’m Cha Cha. I’m in chemistry class with Leo. Obviously, I’m not listening in class… (If you are a good child, you can’t do like this. Well, I’m going to take him to my secret place—“the basement”, where my band is. My role is playing drums. I think he’ll have fun with my members and enjoy music. By the way, I ‘m afraid his ears might hurt because the sound of the drums is quite loud. It’s time for bed. I’m wondering what Leo’s hometown is like. There must be a wide lawn. Leo could play with his friends. How interesting it is! I hope I could visit him someday. Now, Leo and I will go to bed. 3.Keeping a Diary for Leo by 佳惠 (RSSH)

Keeping a Diary for Leo by Philip  Hello, my name is Philip. I was a senior high school student. Today I took Leo to a bookstore. There were many kinds of books, including science, society, literature, and so on. I picked up some books about the literature selections, reading them for a little while. One of them was talking about a plenty of well-known sayings. After buying the books, I thought that Leo must be hungry and thirsty. We proceeded to the night fair. The road was filled with the crowds. I bought a huge ice cream and a coke. Furthermore, we decided to eat the roast pork but there were so many people standing in a line. So, we had no choice but to buy other food. Finally, we had a lot of “harvest” and started our way home. I was so glad that I could go along with Leo even though it wasn’t a long time, we had the wonderful memory. I feel appreciated that I had this chance to play with Leo and hope the next owner could take good care of him as well. Chubby Leo!

Keeping a Diary for Leo by Zoyiea  Hi, my name is Zoyiea Chiang. It’s my turn to take Leo home finally.I have been expected it for a long time. My sisters scream loudly when they see Leo at first sight. They love so much, and play many fascinating games with him. Even though I have a lot of difficult examinations tomorrow, I still watch TV now. Because there are international baseball competitions this week. If we win, we can join the Olympic Games in Beijing All the people in Taiwan expect that our baseball team can pride Taiwanese in this game and show Taiwan to the world. Finally, I am so cheerful because we won the game. I am so glad to see the spectacular baseball game and share my joy with Leo. My sisters ask to sleep with Leo tonight. I hope they can have a nice dream. We all glad to have a pretty night with Leo. That’s my blog: Welcome to my blog to see the pictures which Leo, my sisters and I.

Leo’s Voyage at RSSH *Sell the hand-made foreign flags *Leo and our principal

Leo’s Trip in Kaohsiung *Leo at Fishermen ’ s Wharf *Leo at Chaishan Nature Park

專案網址 :

Thank you Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.----Einstein, 1930