Saint Paul of the Cross God’s little Church of Love and Peace. 1st Sunday in Lent
Jesus was led by the spirit out in to the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil
Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights after which Jesus was very hungry
Could you fast for 40 days for Lent??
The Devil came and said, to Jesus, If you are the son of God, turn these stones into bread!
Jesus said, its more important to be hungry for Gods words, than to worry about bread!
What is Jesus telling us here?
Jesus needs you to be strong!
I’m hungry, I want more ?
Jesus is asking, Could you give just a little up for me?
The Devil then took Jesus to the top of a temple in Jerusalem and said, “if you are the son of God, jump off and God will send his angels to catch you”!
Are you going to jump Jesus?
Jesus said, Scripture says, don’t put God to the test!
The Devil then took, Jesus to a high mountain, and showed him the whole world!
The Devil said, if you fall to my feet and worship me, I will give you all this!
Was Jesus tempted?
Temptation! Jesus being pulled both ways!
Jesus said, to the Devil, go away! Scripture says, worship God alone and serve him!
The Devil left Jesus and then the angels appeared and looked after him!
The end, Buy, Buy, See you next week