Chapter Three Ethical Films. Ethical Films(伦理片) Definition of Ethical Films: Ethical Films are films with the ethics as its subject, and serve as an exploration.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter Three Ethical Films

Ethical Films(伦理片) Definition of Ethical Films: Ethical Films are films with the ethics as its subject, and serve as an exploration of the moral conducts and ethical standards accepted in a society. Different from the other kinds of film, such ethical subjects as love, marriage, family, religion, generation gap and social problems can be found in almost every ethical film. Therefore, they enjoy broader ranges and come harder to define. 伦理片是指以伦理为主题的电影,它是对社会道德规范的探讨。 与其他片种不一样的地方在于,伦理的精神几乎体现在每一部 影片之中:爱情、婚姻、家庭、宗教、代沟、社会问题等等都 可以在伦理的范围之内,因此伦理片有着比其他片种更为广阔 的领域和更模糊的边界。

Ethical Films (伦理片) A List of Renowned Ethical Films:  Kramer vs. Kramer 《克莱默夫妇》( 1979 )  Driving Miss Daisy 《为黛西小姐开车》( 1989 )  Rain Man 《雨人》( 1988 )  Forrest Gump 《阿甘正传》( 1994 )  Scent of a Woman 《闻香识女人》( 1992 )  The Best Years of Our Lives 《黄金时代》( 1946 )  A Place in the Sun 《郎心似铁》( 1951 )  A Street car Named Desire 《欲望号街车》( 1951 )  One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest 《飞越疯人院》( 1975 )  American Beauty 《美国丽人》( 1999 )  Wall Street 《华尔街》( 1987 )  Philadelphia 《费城故事》( 1993 )  Terms of Endearment 《母女情深》( 1983 )  Sophie’s Choice 《索菲的选择》( 1982 )

Forrest Gump《阿甘正传》

Tom Hanks (1956- )  Height: 5'11" Religion: Greek Orthodox Church, his wife's choice  Hobbies: Surfing, golf, hockey

Tom Hanks (1956- )  Thomas J. Hanks was born on July 9, 1956 in Concord, California. Hanks spent much of his childhood moving about with his father, an itinerant ( 巡回的 ) cook, and continually attempting to cope with constantly changing schools, religions, and stepmothers.  Hanks says that by the time he turned 10, he already had “ three mothers, five grammar schools and 10 houses ”; nevertheless, he hates it when the news media say he came from a broken home, because he feels he and his family are still close.

Tom Hanks (1956- )  After settling in Oakland, California, he began performing in high school plays.  At age 20, he dropped out college to pursue acting.  In 1978, in New York, he married his first wife, actress-producer Samantha Lewes. Tom Hanks was married to Samantha Lewes from 1978 to 1985 and has two children, Colin and Elizabeth.  He married Rita Wilson — who he met during filming of the movie, Volunteers 《志愿者》 — on April 30, 1988 and now has two children, Chester and Truman.

Tom Hanks (1956- )  in 1989, Tom Hanks won a Golden Globe Award, the Los Angeles Film Critics Award and earned his first Oscar nomination for his endearing role of a little boy in a man’s body in Penny Marshall’s Big 《飞跃未来》.  Tom Hanks has received two Best Actor Academy Awards in 1994 and He became the first actor in over 50 years to win consecutive Best Actor Academy Awards when he captured his second Oscar for his unforgettable performance in the title role in Robert Zemeckis’ Forrest Gump. His work in the film also brought him a Golden Globe Award and a Screen Actors Guild honor.

Tom Hanks (1956- )  The year prior, Hanks was honored with his first Oscar (as well as another Golden Globe Award) for Best Actor for his moving portrayal of AIDS- stricken lawyer Andrew Beckett in Jonathan Demme’s Philadelphia 《费城故事》.  He won his fourth nomination for his leading role of a WWII platoon captain leading a squadron in search of a missing soldier in Steven Spielberg‘s epic drama, Saving Private Ryan 《拯救大兵瑞恩》.  He earned another Golden Globe nomination for his work opposite Meg Ryan in the romantic comedy Sleepless in Seattle 《西雅图不眠夜》 , directed by Nora Ephron.

Tom Hanks (1956- )  Hanks received widespread critical and audience acclaim for his work as astronaut Jim Lovell in the Academy Award nominated space epic Apollo 13 《阿波罗 13 号》

Tom Hanks (1956- )  His other film credits include Bachelor Party 《疯狂今晚 夜》, A League of Their Own 《女子棒球队/红粉联盟》, Punchline 《头条笑料》, Nothing in Common 《对头冤家》 and The Money Pit 《钱之坑》. Hanks also created the voice of cowboy Woody in the Disney animated films Toy Story 《玩具总动员》 and Toy Story 2 《玩具总动员 2 》.

Tom Hanks (1956- )

Sleepless in Seattle 《西雅图不眠夜》 The Terminal 《幸福终点站》 Band of Brothers 《兄弟连》

Forrest Gump 《阿甘正传》  US (1994) Paramount Pictures  Director: Robert Zemeckis  Cast: Tom HanksForrest Gump Gary Sinise Lt. Dan Gary Sinise Lt. Dan Robin Wright Jenny Robin Wright Jenny  Awards: The film won Oscars for Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Director, Best Film Editing, Best Visual Effects and Best Adapted Screenplay.

Excerpt One Excerpt Two Excerpt Three Excerpt Four Excerpt Five 《阿甘正传》 Forrest Gump

Excerpt One Forrest Gump 《阿甘正传》

Excerpt Two Forrest Gump 《阿甘正传》

Excerpt Three Forrest Gump 《阿甘正传》

Excerpt Four Forrest Gump 《阿甘正传》

Excerpt Five Forrest Gump 《阿甘正传》