STEP 4 – EVALUATION “Are we doing what we said we would do?”


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Presentation transcript:

STEP 4 – EVALUATION “Are we doing what we said we would do?”

Objectives A.PROCESS OF EVALUATION 1.What does Evaluate Mean? 2.Benefits of Evaluation 3.“ Documentation is Key” – Many means to document evaluation 4.Choose method to best match elements 5.Program Requirements for Evaluation (Step 4) 6.Negative Evaluation Results 7.Evaluation – “Best Practices” B.DISCUSS EVALUATION METHODS - 10 METHODS

5 Steps to Managing Health & Safety 1. Written standard 2. Communication 3. Training 4. Evaluate or Evaluation plan 5. Acknowledge success and make improvements Achieving an Element Continuous Improvement

Evaluate… What does this mean? 1.Verifying that the company’s Standards are still current and up-to-date to both: –Legislation AND –Company “Rules” 2. Verifying that what is actually being done in the workplace meets the standards and company rules established in Setting Standards (Step 1). “Is the workplace doing what it said that it would do?”

Benefits of Evaluation Assesses implementation of your element Assesses what’s working & what’s not working – “gaps” in your health & safety program Addresses workplace culture issues i.e. employee participation, supervisor support, functional JHSC Opportunity to review records re: standards, communication & training Reviews your accident/incident performance Allows for recommendations to improve H&S Program

Evidence of Evaluation Need to develop a Method of Recording/Documenting Evaluation Not restricted to examples provided, you may have other effective ways to record/document

Benefits of different methods Consider the element being evaluated Observations may be effective when evaluating skill- based elements: –i.e. SOPs, PPE, Fork-Lift, Machine Guarding, Housekeeping, etc. Quiz/Survey/Interview may be effective when evaluating knowledge-based elements: –i.e. worker comprehension of H&S Policy, Roles & Responsibilities, ESRTW, Hazard Reporting, JHSC/Reps etc.

Program Requirements for Evaluation (Step 4) Document all forms of evaluation – incorporate into existing methods Aim to complete Evaluation by year- end. –If not, must complete by March of following year (prior to spot checks starting). But MUST have written plan of “how” element will be evaluated and completed by March to put “Y” on Year- end Report

Negative Results The results of the Evaluation indicates “Negative Results” –For this element, “the company is not doing what the Standard expects it to do” Is this still Evaluation (Step 4)? YES! Negative results (or less than positive results) provide for Opportunities for Improvement.

Best Practices Write method of evaluation in Standard ( who, what, how, where & when) –Include benchmarks in your written standards Ask supervisors to keep log books/checklists if involved in worker observations Ask JHSC to review elements; Record in JHSC Minutes & Post Review elements at Management Meetings; Address recommendations; action plan to improve; & Minute meetings Use existing methods to DOCUMENT evaluation.

Step 4 - Evaluation 10 Best Practices/Examples/Samples 1.Interview/survey employees 2.Quiz 3.Scheduled workplace/site/shop inspections or tours 4.Joint Health & Safety Committee 5.Management Team Review 6.Internal audit 7.Observations 8.Checklists 9.Injury/incident statistical analysis 10.Third party review/audit

Interview/Survey Employees 1.Determine your objectives 2.Address all elements simultaneously 3.Identify required amount of participation 4.Develop list of questions relating to elements and your objectives 5.Questions can either be asked verbally one-on-one with staff or by handouts

SAMPLE Interview/Survey Employees Do you know where the JHSC Yes Where:_______________________________  Don’t know Who do you notify if you need first aid treatment?  Yes Who____________________  Don’t know You suffer work place injury and will be absent from Work. List Responsibilities? ________________________ _________________________________________________

Employee Quiz  Determine your objectives  Address all elements simultaneously  Determine participation level 100%  (mandatory or voluntary)  Develop questions specific to objectives and elements  Questions?? quiz format, multiple choice, true/ false, fill in the blanks, etc.

SAMPLE: Quiz Examples Is PPE checked regularly for wear or defects, and replaced immediately if necessary?  Yes  No  Don’t know The hazard reporting procedures allows for immediate reporting and corrective action without waiting for the next round of regular inspections.  Yes  No  Don’t know Is the Health & Safety Representative selected by the owner?  Yes  No  Don’t know

Scheduled Workplace/Site/Shop Inspections or Tour include all 5 elements in monthly inspection report/checklist ensure JHSC/representative or supervisor understands Ask questions

Scheduled Workplace/Site/Shop Inspections or Tour See Appendix A SAMPLE Workplace Inspections Checklist (To be used in conjunction with inspection report)

Joint Health & Safety Committee JHSC must be an active participant in the safety group initiatives since the start of year Discuss at meetings/record in minutes Provide JHSC all pertinent information: meeting minutes, inspection reports, injury statistics, supervisor’s comments, training records, etc Discussion to identify areas of improvement for next year and areas of success


Management Review Management & supervisors must be aware and involved in safety group initiatives during the year Hold meetings ( quarterly updates) Present to management team the progress of the 5 elements and necessary documentation Discussion Areas of improvement Areas of success Next years elements


Internal Audit Measure organization against external standards – Workwell Core Audit or corporate audit, CSA, other guidelines Use entire audit or use portions of audit that apply to your element selection

Internal Audit Sample Guidelines from Workwell Core Audit: Early & Safe Return to Work –Roles & responsibilities –Contact with injured worker –Medical monitoring and treatment –Provisions for modified work –Re-integration of the worker to regular work –Reporting requirements to WSIB Action Required with Target Dates –policy required: including roles & responsibilities

Observations Decide who and what will be observed Physically observe activity being done – lock-out/tag-out, Fork truck, Emergency Evacuation, Confined Space Conducted by supervisor and/or JHSC Provide immediate feedback to employee Can be used in conjunction with annual performance reviews

SAMPLE Observation Example Forklift Procedures Date:___________ Observers’ Name: _________________ Operator: __________________________ Pre-Operation Check General Operation: operating around personnel, reversing, parking load handling: pick-up, placement, stacking, re-stocking loading /unloading operational maintenance: refueling Immediate Feedback: Operator Comments: Recommendations:

Checklist Format Identify in advance how and what will be evaluated Excellent resource document for year-end documentation

Checklist See SAMPLE Appendix C- Evaluation Form Safety Group Evaluation Form Initial Year or Maintenance Element Safety Element : ____________________________________________________________________ Instructions: 1.Reviewers are to familiarize themselves with the Standard set in the Working Instructions and determine that it is current, relevant and meets legislative requirements. 2.Reviewers are to conduct an evaluation to see that Standard is known and practiced in the shop. 3.Reviewers will observe practices, or interview sample employees to see that details in the element are known, employees understand the training that they were given, and that the work is being done according to the standard for the element. 4.Evaluate using at least one of the following:

APPENDIX D Sample Safety Group Element Evaluation Form Safety Group Name Firm Name Date (dd-mmm-yyyy) 15-Dec-2004 Evaluation Report

RTW Self-Assessment Guide ownloadableFileRTWSelf_AssessmentGuide/$File/RT WSelfAssessment.pdf

Injury/Incident Statistical Analysis Opportunity to measure the impact of completed elements on the injury/incident rates in the workplace Consider using: –a historical comparison against previous years –a comparison by locations or branches within business –a comparison to your rate group

SAMPLE Injury/Incident Statistical Analysis Analyze key indicators in your workplace: –Lost-time injuries –No lost-time injuries –First Aid –Near misses –Property Damage –Duration of WSIB claims

Third Party Corporate auditor, health & safety association, safety group member, health & safety professional ( ergo, hygienist) Benefits Address all elements at same time Auditor will provide insight and recommend improvements

Questions? Shelley Wall