Web Evaluation Get Real with Web Evaluation. Objective When searching the Internet for information, students will be able to critically evaluate web sites.


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Presentation transcript:

Web Evaluation Get Real with Web Evaluation

Objective When searching the Internet for information, students will be able to critically evaluate web sites to locate authentic sites using the REAL evaluation process.

Get REAL With Web Evaluation R = Read the URL E = Examine the Content A = Ask About the Author and Owner L = Look at the Links

Read the URL classroom_activities.html Country Codes.at Austria.au Australia.ca Canada.ch Switzerland.cn China.de Germany.es Spain.et Ethiopia.fr France.gr Greece.ie Ireland.in India.iq Iraq.it Italy.jp Japan.nz New Zealand.pk Pakistan.uk United Kingdom.us United States.za South Africa Web Extensions.edu Higher Education (most U.S. colleges).k12 U.S. School Site (not all U.S. schools use this).sch Schools in the United Kingdom (not all U.K. schools use this).ac Academic Institution (usually outside of the United States).com Commercial.org Any Organization.gov Government Agency.net Network.mil U.S. Military

Personal Page ohttp://pubweb.northwestern.edu/~abutz.intr o ~ = tilde May contain biased opinions. % may also indicate personal info.

Get REAL With Web Evaluation R = Read the URL E = Examine the Content A = Ask About the Author and Owner L = Look at the Links

Examine the Content Complete the worksheet for the following 3 sites. Is the information on the site helpful? Does the site have more resources and links? Is the site up to date? Can I tell when it was last updated? Is the information correct? Are the facts different from information I have found elsewhere?

Get REAL With Web Evaluation R = Read the URL E = Examine the Content A = Ask About the Author and Owner L = Look at the Links

Ask About the Author and Owner /cat.htmlhttp:// /cat.html Is the author’s name on the site? Is there a contact person or address? Is there any information about the author? Does the author know the topic well? Is he or she an expert? Go to the following sites and ask the questions above.

Get REAL With Web Evaluation R = Read the URL E = Examine the Content A = Ask About the Author and Owner L = Look at the Links

Look at the Links Forward Links: What are the URLs of the forward links? Do the domain names change? (Same person/group writing everything) Is the information biased? Back Links: Who is linked to the Web site? Why are they linked? What do other sites say about the information on the site?

Forward Links Are there any links on this site to trustworthy sources that prove that the tree octopus exists? What are they? What makes these sites trustworthy in your eyes?

Back Links To check back links go to: In the search box type link: mlhttp://home.inreach.com/kumbach/velcro.ht ml

Get REAL With Web Evaluation R = Read the URL E = Examine the Content A = Ask About the Author and Owner L = Look at the Links