What is About This Course? 微電腦系統 Microcomputer System.


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Presentation transcript:

What is About This Course? 微電腦系統 Microcomputer System

You Must Know These Terms 4 Computer (電腦) 4 Microcomputer (微電腦) 4 Microprocessor (微處理器) 4 Microcontroller (微控制器) –Single Chip Computer (單晶片) –System-on-a-chip (系統單晶片, SoC ) 4 Embedded System (嵌入式系統)

What is Microcomputer? Micro + Computer

microcomputer Computers ! An IBM 704 mainframe PDP 7 minicomputer HP tablet PC

What is “Computer”? 4 Mainframe, minicomputer, supercomputer, personal computers, notebooks, tablet PC, workstations, super computers… 4 General-purpose –You can run games, editors, browsers etc. depend on the programs loaded in the memory. 4 High performance –Computers use very powerful CPUs. –Ex: Intel Core i7 920 has 4 cores.

What is “Microcomputer”? 4 Microcomputer ≈ Personal Computer 4 Microcomputers usually occupy physically small amounts of space when compared to mainframe and minicomputers.

In this course "Microcomputer Systems", we want to tell you how microcomputers work!

How Personal computer works? 4 What are included in a computer? –CPU, ROM, RAM, I/O controller, buses and many other chips are found in the motherboard. 4 Connect to many I/O devices

“CPU” vs. “Microprocessor” 4 A microcomputer is a computer with a microprocessor as its CPU. –Central Processing Unit In 2008, the die of Conroe Core 2 Duo in Intel processor

Famous Microprocessors 4 Intel –x86: 8086, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium –Merom, Conroe, Woodcrest –Core i3, Core i core, Core i7, … 4 AMD –Sempron 145 AM3, Llano APU A –A8-3850, A cores, Phenom II 4 Motorola –68000

Do they need a microprocessor as its CPU? 微電腦洗衣機, 微電腦全自動豆漿機 微電腦電子鍋, 微電腦馬桶座 ? 微電腦電冰箱、微電腦冷氣機、電梯、 遙控器、電話、手機 …

Some Products (1/2) 4 Security systems –Sensor, motion detector, power detector, smoke detector –Audio alarm, user authentication 4 Whitegoods and Household Appliances 4 Ref:

Some Products (2/2) 4 MP3 player –standalone hard-wired MPEGI/II Layer-3 decoder with C51 microcontroller core handling dataflow control and MP3-player control 4 Smart card reader 4 USB controller 4 Ref:

Systems with a Specific Function 4 Not high performance, low cost, small size, customized, automatic & smart control 4 Don't need microprocessors. 4 Industry controllers/Intelligent appliances –Anti-lock braking system (ABS), automatic four-wheel drive, door opener. –Printer, keyboard, keyless entry, copier, fax machine, personal digital assistants (PDAs) –Video game player, camera, cellular phone, microwave, DVD player

They need a simple and cheap CPU, small size RAM & ROM, more special I/Os (ex: temperature senor) --- Cost is most important! ---

Single Chip Computer 4 How to cost down? 4 Answer: SoC (System on a Chip) –Contrary to computers, in which microprocessors, extra RAM & ROM, buses and I/Os are separate and put on a mother board, –these products uses single chip computers. 4 Single Chip Computer: All in one chip (CPU, I/O, ROM, RAM together.) 4 Or, it is called as microcontroller.

What is “Microcontroller”? 4 A microcontroller (also microcontroller unit, MCU or µC) is a small computer on a single integrated circuit (IC) consisting of a relatively simple CPU combined with support functions such as a crystal oscillator, timers, watchdog, serial and analog I/O etc.

Intel In 1981, Intel MCU-51 4 A single chip microcontroller (µC) 4 Used in embedded systems

Intel 8742 Microcontroller 4 All functions on a chip –128 bytes of RAM –2048 bytes of EPROM –Input/Output –8-bit microcontroller (12MHz)

Microprocessor & Microcontroller 4 A micro-processor –a very powerful CPU –Usually, used for computer systems –Example: x86, 68K, z80 4 A micro-controller (µC) –A simple computer system-on-a-chip –It contains a processor core, memory, and programmable input/output peripherals. –Example: 8048, 8051

What is Embedded System? As shown in before slides, except for computers, other products with specific- function are embedded systems.

What is “Embedded System”? 4 An embedded product uses a microprocessor or microcontroller to do one task only. –This is, it is a special-purpose product. 4 In an embedded system, there is only one application software that is typically burned into ROM. 4 Embedded system means the processor is embedded into that application.

How Embedded System Works? 4 In general, an embedded system has –A microcontroller (  C) –I/O devices –A small board with a microcontroller, some components and I/O connectors –Real-time Operating System (RTOS) Simple-function, small-size –Application software

Goal of This Course (1/2) 4 The course “Computer Science” has taught us about complicated computer systems. 4 In this course, we will focus on “microcontroller” although this course is called “Microcomputer System”. –The design concepts are the same. –However, microcontrollers are much simpler than microcomputers such that we can discuss more detailed design.

Goal of This Course (2/2) 4 Understand the architecture of Leaning 8051 programming. 4 Prepare for the 8051 laboratory. Microcontroller: A smaller computer On-chip RAM, ROM, I/O ports... Single-purpose 8051 is a microcontroller. 1981, Intel MCS-51

Why Choose 8051? 4 Simple, easy to learn 4 A lot of 8051 users 4 After learning 8051, we can understand: –A basic concept of an embedded system –A simplest computer architecture –How micro-computer works. –Low-level language: Assembly Language

8051 Family 4 The 8051 became popular after Intel allowed other manufacturers to make and market an flavor of the –different speed, amount of on-chip ROM or other memories, special functions –Code-compatible with the original 8051 –Atmel, Infineon Technologies, Maxim Integrated Products, NXP, Nuvoton, ST Microelectronics, Silicon Laboratories Texas Instruments and Cypress Semiconductor.

Atmel AT89C51

Industry of MCU  微控制器 (MCU) 在一顆 IC 裡面包含了 CPU 、 RAM 、 I/O 等功能,早期稱為單晶片處理器。生活應用端從電視、 微波爐、冷氣、到工業用的汽車控制,都有它的蹤跡。 4 以位元數做區分, 4bit 及 8 bit 市占率為 37% 、 16bit 占 25% 、 32 bit 為 38% 4 以市場進行區分則是美國占 15% 、歐洲區 28% 、亞太區 36% 、日本 22% 。  微控制器的產業應用以車用為大宗占 38% 、消費性電 子占 20% 、工業應用占 23% 、網路通訊 12% 、電腦 7% 。  2010 年產值約 150 億美元。預估 2011 年產值將達 170 億 美元 (yoy+13%) , 2012 年將有機會創下 190 億美元 (yoy+11.7%) 。

2010Worldwide MCU Ranking (from Gartner) 4 瑞薩是微控制器領導者,銷售額 44 億 4,700 萬美元;其 次依序是飛思卡爾 (15 億 2,500 萬美元 ) 、三星 (9.82 億美 元 ) 、 Microchip(9.68 億美元 ) 、愛特梅爾 (9.58 億美元 ) 、 德州儀器 (TI, 9.46 億美元 )’ 英飛凌 (Infineon, 9.3 億美元 ) , 意法半導體 (ST, 9.15 億美元 ) 和富士通 (6.84 億美元 ) 。

Compare to Other Industries 全球 PC 微處理器營收入約為 390 億美元。 2011 年預 估可達 430 億美元。 年全球手機出貨量可望達 14.5 億支,產值成長至 1,682 億美元。其中智慧型手機出貨量預估為 4 億支。

Courses in Future 4 電機系網頁  教育  專題發表  971  微電腦實驗  佳作 或 照片集 工程機率 微電腦系 統 工程數學 大二上 微電腦實 驗 大二下大三上 通訊網路 嵌入式系 統原理及 實驗 大三下 電腦網路 通訊協定 概論 大四上 網路管理 無線交換 機概論 大四下 作業系統 數值分析

IXDPG-425(1/2) 4 Intel XScale IXP-425 for network control


DMATEC DMA-2443 (1/2) 4 ARM9 –Samsung S3C For handhold devices –High performance –Low power 4 Optimized for special functions –GPS, Multimedia, –SmartPhone

DMATEC DMA-2443 (1/2)

Schedule of Progress (1/3) 4 Introduction to computing 4 The 8051 micro-controllers 4 Assembly language programming 4 Jump, loop, and call instructions 4 I/O port programming addressing modes 4 Arithmetic & logic instructions and programs

Schedule of Progress (2/3) 4 Midterm Programming in C Hardware Connection and Intel HEX file Timer programming in Assembly and C serial port programming in Assembly and C

Schedule of Progress (3/3) 4 Interrupts programming in Assembly and C 4 Final exam 4 LCD and keyboard interfacing 4 ADC, DAC and sensor interfacing interfacing to external memory interfacing to the DS12887 RTC interfacing and Programming 4 Motor control: relay, PWM, DC, stepper motor