ASIS&T Panel: Search Results Visualization Collective Intelligence Holistic Sense Making ASIS&T Panel: Search Results Visualization Collective Intelligence.


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Presentation transcript:

ASIS&T Panel: Search Results Visualization Collective Intelligence Holistic Sense Making ASIS&T Panel: Search Results Visualization Collective Intelligence & Holistic Sense Making Chaomei Chen, Drexel University November 6, Austin, TX

Parts > Whole

Collective Intelligence An emergent property of a society, a community, an invisible college, …

Collective Intelligence emerges from the collaboration and competition of many individuals, an intelligence that seemingly has a mind of its own.

Less is More!

Making Sense of Collective Intelligence 1.What are the hot topics in a subject area? 2.How are these hot topics related? 3.How do these topics evolve over time, space, and how do they spread across the structure of collective intelligence? 4.How do we access the emergent insights?

Topic: Terrorism Time span: What is the most active topic in the area of TERRORISM RESEARCH? 2.What was the previously predominant topic? 3.What EVENT/WORK led to the shift of focus? 4.What is such a transition path made of? Q1: Current hot topic? Q2: Previous hot topic? Q3: Turning point? Q4: Transition path? before after

Q1: Current hot topic? Q2: Previous hot topic? Q3: Turning point? Q4: Transition path?

27 Biological Warfare 17 Violence 14 Bioterrorism N=93 N=45 11 Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/*epidemiology 9 Terrorism/*psychology 8 Disasters N=31 11 Explosions 7 Violence 4 Blast Injuries/*mortality

Geospatial patterns of terrorist events

Geospatial patterns of relevant research

Galea, S. et al. (2002) Galea, S. et al. (2002) How does the citations to this paper spread geographically? Note: You need to have Google Earth installed on your computer. The Impact of a Pivotal Point

Citers to Galea et al. (2002)

Differentiating Conflicting Views

Amazon Customer Reviews 1,738 positive reviews (=4, 5) 918 negative reviews (=1, 2)

Positive Reviews Negative Reviews

What does really good book mean exactly?

A negative orientation of good thriller writing

Selecting the Most Differentiating Terms Classification accuracy based on 10-fold cross- validation: C4.5 << NaiveBayes << SVM

3,068 Customer Reviews The Da Vinci Code (Amazon Sales Rank: #7)

The Tipping Point (Amazon Sales Rank: #12) 596 Customer Reviews

Video iPod (accuracy 91.49%) Sales Rank: #12 in Electronics 686 Customer Reviews

Old New Old Old New Old Old New NewNew Emergent themes over time on terrorism ( ) A decision tree derived from 3,944 abstracts New Old

Retrieval vs. Visual Analytics Retrieval –Recall –Discrete Search –Part –Formal –… Visual Analytics –Recognition –Continuous Foraging –Whole –Intuitive –… Web: