The Meteorologists of 2-1 and 2-2 Present The St. Anne’s School Farmers Almanac 2015 Edition.


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Presentation transcript:

The Meteorologists of 2-1 and 2-2 Present The St. Anne’s School Farmers Almanac 2015 Edition

Weather Investigators! Since September our second grade meteorologists have each spent a week recording the weather. We have studied the temperature, amount of precipitation and type, wind speed, air pressure and types of clouds visible. Some of us even did some research on the weather!

We worked in groups based on when we recorded the weather to make predictions for next year! We created a Farmers Almanac for the coming school year! Look no further when deciding what to wear!

Please Read Before Reviewing our Predictions! The outerwear recommendations found in this presentation are merely the opinions of the second graders from St. Anne’s School!

What to expect in September… Class 2-1: Next September we expect the weather to be sunny and little chilly! The month will be dry with not much rain. Our Outerwear Recommendation: Light Jacket!

What to expect in September Class 2-2 We expect to the weather to be a mixture of sun and clouds with a few days of rain. Our outerwear recommendation is: Light Jacket !

What to expect in October Class 2-1 We expect the average temperature to be 45 degrees F. We expect next October to be rainy, windy with some days of sun. Halloween will be damp! Our outerwear recommendation is: Light Jacket and bring an umbrella!

What to expect in October Class 2-2 We expect October to be very rainy so be sure to bring your umbrella! (This year October was the month with the most precipitation according to our bar graph) Our outerwear recommendation is: Light Jacket and umbrella!

What to expect in November Class 2-1 We predict that the month of November will be very windy. We expect that each day the temperature will get colder and colder. There will be some precipitation in the form of rain. Our outerwear recommendation is: Light jacket!

What to expect in November: Class 2-2 We predict that it will be cold in November with some rain showers but no snow! Our outerwear prediction is: Light jacket!

What to expect in December: Class 2-1 We predict that the weather will be cold and snowy! We expect that there will be a white Christmas so plan accordingly! Our outerwear recommendation is: heavy jacket, hat, gloves and scarves!

What to expect in December: Class 2-2 We predict that the month of December will bring us the first snowfall of the year. We do not expect there to be a white Christmas however. Our outerwear recommendation is: heavy jacket and a hat!

What to expect in January? Class 2-1 We predict that January will be cold and very windy with lots of snow. We predict that there will be 3 snow days this month! Our outerwear recommendation is: heavy jacket, hat, gloves and lots of layers!

What to expect in January: Class 2-2 We predict that the weather this month will be snowy and cold. We predict that there will be 2 or 3 snow days this month. Our outerwear recommendation is: heavy jacket, hat, gloves!

What to expect in February: Class 2-1 We predict that February will be cold with both snow and rain. We expect to have one snow day this month. Our outerwear prediction is: heavy jacket, hat and gloves but no layers!

What to expect in February: Class 2-2 We predict that it will be cold with snow this month. We expect to have one snow day. Our outerwear recommendation is: heavy weight jacket, hat, gloves and lots of layers!

What to expect in March: Class 2-1 We predict that March will be very windy and cold but with no snow! Our outerwear recommendation is: Heavy Jacket and bring along hat and gloves!

What to expect in March: Class 2-2 We predict that March will bring a mixed bag of weather. There will be rain and it will be windy with a possible snow storm. Our outerwear recommendation is: heavy jacket – and a hat!

What to expect in April: Class 2-1 We expect the weather to be sunny with not much rain. There will be no snow as the temperatures will begin to rise. Our outerwear recommendation is: light jacket!

What to expect in April: Class 2-2 We predict that the weather will be rainy this month with sun showers and clouds! There will be no snow! Our outerwear recommendation is: light jacket but be sure to bring your umbrella!

We hope that our predictions will be helpful to our families in the coming year! Created by the Meteorologists of Classes 2-1 and 2-2 – June 2015!