The Great Plains Technological advances during the 19 th century allowed people to live in more challenging environments.
Physical Features of the Great Plains Flatlands that rise gradually from east to west
Physical Features of the Great Plains Land Eroded by Wind and Water
Physical Features of the Great Plains Low Rainfall
Physical Features of the Great Plains Frequent Dust Storms
Because of New Technologies… People saw the Great Plains not as a “treeless wasteland” but as a vast area to be settled
What new technologies allowed settlement? Barbed wire: allowed farmers to fence in farm land and eliminated open range cattle grazing
What new technologies allowed settlement? Steel Plows: allowed farmers to farm more land and to plant more crops Attach cow or horse here to plow the earth.
What new technologies allowed settlement? Dry Farming: allowed crops to grow in very dry conditions with little water.
What new technologies allowed settlement? Sod Homes: allowed families to build homes from the soil on the treeless plains
What new technologies allowed settlement? Beef Cattle Raising: provided cattle that were shipped east to factories for processing
What new technologies allowed settlement? Wheat Farming: provided grain to be shipped to markets in the East.
What new technologies allowed settlement? Windmills: provided water for families, crops, and livestock on the plains
What new technologies allowed settlement? Railroads: shipped raw materials produced on the Great Plains to markets for processing and sale in the East.
Advances in transportation linked resources, products and markets. Transportation –Moving natural resources (copper, lead) to eastern factories –Moving iron ore deposits to sites of steel mills (Pittsburgh) –Transporting finished products to national markets
Examples of Manufacturing areas: Textile Industry: New England Textile Braiding Machine
Examples of Manufacturing areas: Automobile Industry: Detroit Duryea Brothers' automobile factory 1896, Massachusetts
Examples of Manufacturing areas: Steel Industry: Pittsburgh