Numbers and Letters
At Work You need to master the alphabet for many reasons. One is that you must take phone messages and spell names in English correctly. Also, you must record numbers and cost estimates correctly. This means you should master numbers into the millions.
The Alphabet N- (en) A (ei) O- (ou) B- (bi) P- (pi) C- (si) Q- (kiu) R- (ar) S- (es) T-(ti) U- (iu) V- (vi) W- (dobliu) X- (eks) Y-(wai) Z- (zi) A (ei) B- (bi) C- (si) D- (di) E- (i) F- (ef) G- (lli) H- (eich) I- (ai) J- (llei) K- (kei) L- (el) M- (em)
Practice Exercise Listen and choose the correct sequence A B C 1. gjy jyg jgy 2. aie eia iea 3. zcs czs scz 4. xsf fxs sfx 5. kqh hkq qhk 6. bvp pvb vbp
Practice Exercise Check your answers 1. gjy jyg jgy 2. aie eia iea 3. zcs czs scz 4. xsf fxs sfx 5. kqh hkq qhk 6. bvp pvb vbp
Numbers: Listen and Repeat Twenty Thirty Forty Fifty Sixty Seventy Eighty Ninety One hundred Thirteen- thirty Fourteen- forty Fifteen-fifty Sixteen- sixty Seventeen- seventy Eighteen- eighty Nineteen- ninety
Numbers Numbers are read in groups of one, two or three: 4, 67, 23, 876, 942. Units, tens and hundreds. In the thousands you still read in groups of three: 567,875
Into the Millions Every comma has a name: __ __ __ , __ __ __ , __ __ __ , __ __ __ Billion Million Thousand Every first number in each trio is called hundred. The other two digits are read as normal: 435, 765, 765,987,321
More Practice (Listen and choose the correct number) A B C 1. 455 445 545 2. 300 330 303 3. 667 677 676 4. 813 830 803 5. 918 980 908 6. 280 218 208
More Practice (Check your answers) 1. 455 445 545 2. 300 330 303 3. 667 677 676 4. 813 830 803 5. 918 980 908 6. 280 218 208
Lots of Oral Practice: Listen and Repeat no zeros 567,876,345 234,567,893 213,923,416 398,417,375 987,654,321 with zeros 506,806,305 34, 067,093 210,920,410 308,017,370 987,000,021
Dictation Practice 678 409 3,200 742,765 21,567,002 18 80 14 40 5,000,000,000 123,456,789 908,706,504 3,005,007 500,300,600 109,076,340 67,000 67,000,000 78,000,000,000
Assignment: Study for Test Listen and choose letters Dictation of letters Listen and choose numbers Dictation of numbers Read numbers