The digestive system By Noah. bibliography n,fixedpos%3Dfalse,boost_normal%3D40,boost_high %3D40,cconf%3D1.2,min_length%3D2,rate_low%3D0.


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Presentation transcript:

The digestive system By Noah

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mouth The mouth helps your body. By chewing your food into small pieces. Saliva mixes with your food so it can absorb your body. It also helps you digest your food more better.

esophagus The esophagus is a muscular tube expending from pharynx to the stomach. By means the series of contractions called peristalsis. The esophagus delivers food to the stomach. A valve is a thing which keeps food from passing backwards.

stomach The stomach is a sack like origin with strong muscular walls. Your stomach serves a mixer and grinder of food. The stomachs secrets is acid and powerful enzymes. Your food move to your small intestine.

Small intestate The small intestate breaks down food like a stomach does. It also breaks down food using the enzymes. The small intestate is the ‘work horse’ of the digestive system. This is were most nutrient are absorbed.

The pancreases The pancreases help break down protein and carbohydrates. It also makes insulin for your body. Insulin is something that goes straight into the bloodstream. Insulin is a chief hormone for metabolizing.

Liver There is two main functions in the liver within the digestive system. Cleanse and purify is to help the blood from coming this contains the nutrients just absorbed. Also absorbs fat as well as the intestates. The liver is the body's chemical factory.

gallbladder The gallbladder stores concentrates bile. Then it releases it in to the duodenum. And then it helps digest fats. The gallbladder also absorbs fats.

The large intestate The colon also known as the large intestate is 5 feet long muscular tube. Its made up of the ascending colon, the traverse colon, the descending colon, and the sigmoid colon. The appendix is a small tube attached to the ascending colon. As stool passes through any water left is absorbed.

rectum The rectum did you know its Latin for straight. The rectum is an 8in. chamber that connects to the colon. The rectums job is to receive stool from the colon. After the stool gets evacuated which means poop and pee.

anus The anus is the last part of the digestive system. It’s a 2inch long canal consisting of the pelvic floor muscle. It has two anal sphincters [internal and external]. The pelvic floor muscle creates an angle between the rectum and the anus.