Operating system for mobile devices with a Java programming interface. Provides tools, e.g. a compiler, debugger, device emulator, and its own Java Virtual.


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Presentation transcript:

Operating system for mobile devices with a Java programming interface. Provides tools, e.g. a compiler, debugger, device emulator, and its own Java Virtual machine (DVM). Application Components Activity: present a visual user interface. Services: run in the background without UI. Broadcast Receivers: receives system messages. They can be used to react to changed conditions in the system Content Providers: provide data to all applications. Android contains a SQLLite DB which can serve as data provider.

 Download and Install the SDK  Download and Install Eclipse  Install ADT plug-in for Eclipse  Add Platforms (Version1.5 or 1.6)  Complete tutorials ello-world.html

 Description Description  Develop an application that can turn on/off wifi connection. ◦ The application checks current status of wifi connectivity. ◦ The application displays a button and texts to allow turning on or off wifi. ◦ The application turns on or off wifi connection when the button is clicked.  Hints ◦ May need android.net.wifi package.  Due by Wednesday, Sep. 1 (Before the class)

Start EnabledDisabled If wifi is enabled. If wifi is disabled. If “ON” button is clicked Set wifi enabled Display texts Create “OFF” button Check the wifi status. If “OFF” button is clicked Set wifi disabled Display texts Create “ON” button

 For assignment 1, you do NOT need to submit the screenshots!  TA (Grader) Office hours ◦ T Th 10:30 am – 12 pm  Google group has been created. ◦ Send to to get  If you want to test your application with an android phone, come to my office during my office hours or make an appointment.