Lesson One Business Letter


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson One Business Letter

ⅠAssignment-checking 1. Review: optional parts of a business letter 2. Preview Chapter 1: Read the letter on page 3 and preview the standard parts of a business letter

ⅡWriting Skills The Structure of Business Letter 1 The Layout of Business Letter 2 The Envelop of Business Letter 3 E-mail and MSN 4

1. The Structure of Business Letter standard parts (p7) the letterhead the inside address the date the salutation the body of the letter the complimentary close the signature optional parts (1) the references (2) the attention line (3) the subject line (4) the enclosure (5) the carbon copy notation (6) the reference notation (7) the postscript note

Seven Basic Parts (1)信头 letterhead (2)封内地址 inside address (3)日期 date (4)称呼 salutation (5)正文 body (6)结尾敬语 complimentary close (7)签名 signature

(1) Letterhead or Heading:信头 the writer’s basic information ① the name of the company ② address and postal codes ③ telephone number ④ fax number ⑤ email address ⑥ the web address ⑦ a trademark or a brief slogan

China National Foodstuffs Imp & Exp Corp. E-mail: carl@cofco.com.cn No.8 Chang’an Street Beijing 10005, China Telephone: 86-10-6526-8888 Fax: 86-10-6527-6028 E-mail: carl@cofco.com.cn

(2) Inside Name & Address the receiver’s basic information Content Example Department/official title The Vice President The Eagle Press Inc. 24 South Bank BIRMINGHAM Alabama U.S.A. Content Layouts ►Name of the firm ►Address (road/street) ►Name of city or town ►Name of province ►Name of country 8

Chinese, Large – small e.g. X国X省X市X区X路X号 1 Letterhead (信头) 1) Your Address The return address should be written in the top right-hand corner of the letter. Order: Small – large e.g.X号,X路,X区,X市,X省,X国 Chinese, Large – small e.g. X国X省X市X区X路X号

Arrange the following information into letterhead or inside address: China/Beijing 100021/Beijing Metal/President/ Lin Fang/ East lane 234 President, Lin Fang Beijing Metal East land 234 Beijing 100021,China

X室  Room X X号  No. X X单元 Unit X X号楼 Building No. X X街  X Street X路  X Road X区  X District X县  X County X镇  X Town X市  X City X省  X Province

Special Tips 在写收件人的信内地址时候,当以人名作为行名的商行或者公司名称时,欧美国家在这最前面,通常冠以“Messrs”(Mr.的复数)或者”Mmes”(Mrs.的复数). Messrs H. Ronald & Co. 556 East Road London, England

(3) The Date 日期 位置 写法 美式: 在信头和收信人名称地址之间 英式: 通常在收信人名称地址之下均可以齐头,也可以靠右 美式:月-日-年 英式:日-月-年 2/6/2011(X) 美式:2011年2月6日 英式:2011年6月2日

1 Date: month should be in English You can use abbreviation as Aug , Sep, Oct…, 2 Date could be in the form of 1,2,3,4…,or 1st,2nd,3rd,4th …;年份要写全(year in digit),如2007年不能写07年。 3 Regular format: British - 日、月、年排列,e.g.:19 Jan 2007, 这是英国写法; American - 月、日、年,e.g.:Jan 18 2007,

Rewrite the following date for standard business letters 6/5/06 10-9-06 8 June 2006 (acceptable) Oct.28, 06 jan.13. 2006

Example: American ways 日期 信头 封内地址

Example: English ways 封内地址 收信人地址 日期

Complimentary Closing (4) Salutation Salutation Complimentary Closing Formal Dear Sir or Madam, Very truly yours, Yours very truly, Very sincerely yours, Very cordially yours, Semi-formal Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms., Sincerely yours, Cordially yours, Yours sincerely, Informal Dear Lisa, Sincerely, Cordially, Yours truly, Yours,

常见的头衔如下: 教授 博士 医学博士 总统或校长 主席或董事长 副主席或副董事长 副总统或副校长 首相 总理 省长或州长   Professor Doctor (Dr., Ph.D.) Medical Doctor (M.D.) President Chairman Vice Chairman Vice President Prime Minister Premier Governor

Mayor Senator Ambassador Secretary General First Secretary Second Secretary Director, Dean Vice Director Dean, Head, Chair Chief Librarian Excellency Father 市长 参议员 大使 秘书长 一秘 二秘 院长 副院长 系主任 馆长 阁下 神甫

5 Body of a letter (信的正文) This is the most important part of a letter. And the following parts of this book will offer detailed advice for making this part as effective as possible. Attention here should be paid to the physical precision of the body. It usually begins one or two lines below the salutation. (bullets)


6 Complementary Close (信尾敬语) The complimentary close, like the salutation, is purely a matter of convention and a polite way of ending a letter. Therefore we should carefully select the most appropriate complimentary close to match the character of our communication and salutation. The correct punctuation for the complimentary close is a comma. Notice also that only the first word in a complimentary close is capitalized.

Complimentary Close Respectfully yours (very formal) Sincerely (typical, less formal) Very truly yours (polite, neutral) Cordially yours (friendly, informal)

(7) Signature -Contents Information included: Name of the firm Handwritten signature 1 Typed signature(打印签字) 2 Business title (职务) 3 Sometimes department name 4 www.themegallery.com

Examples: 结尾敬语 手写签名 打印签名 职务 公司名称


2. Format of a Business Letter 平头式(Block format) 混合式(Semi-blocked format)

2.1 Block Format 平头式(Block format) 每一行都是从左边开始取齐,成一垂直线。


2.2 Semi-blocked format 混合式 (Semi-blocked format) 前两种格式的混合体。信的正文部分采用平头式,作者的地址、日期、结尾敬语及签名采用缩行式。


Writing Time

write a letter using the following Chinese information. 格式:齐头式 信头:本人名字和地址(湖北省武汉江夏大道16号 邮编:430223 ) 封内地址:美国纽约市第50大街10号Harper & Row出版公司 邮编:NY10022 写信日期:实际日期 信文内容: 从朋友处看到《成功的商务沟通》一书。 为提高写作水平欲购一本。 请出版商尽快告知付款方式 希望9月底收到此书

Ⅲ Summary and problem-solving

ⅣAssignment 1. Review: finish the exercise in your e-mail. 2. Preview: Preview questions for Chapter 2: 1. What is a cover letter? 2. What Should My Cover Letter Accomplish? 3. Components of the Cover Letter. 4. Find out several key words of the cover letter. 5. Find one of your most favorite cover letters and share with us next class.