National Remodelling Team (NRT) Remodelling Resources Remodelling Support V4.1 03.09.03 Autumn 2003 © 2003 National Remodelling Team.


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Presentation transcript:

National Remodelling Team (NRT) Remodelling Resources Remodelling Support V Autumn 2003 © 2003 National Remodelling Team

– 2 – Module overview Purpose The remodelling support module describes further sources of support to schools that are remodelling The module describes the support available from LEA Remodelling Advisers, and Consultant Leaders The module provides an overview of the functionality provided by the NRT website Further support for LEAs is available in the Programme Delivery module Audience The module is written to assist everyone who is directly involved in a schools remodelling process in understanding how the network of support is structured

© 2003 National Remodelling Team – 3 – Remodelling support – contents Introduction National Remodelling Team LEA Remodelling Advisers Consultant Leaders

© 2003 National Remodelling Team – 4 – Strong support will be available to schools who are remodelling Schools National Remodelling Team NCSL and NCSL Affiliated Centres National Organisations LEA Remodelling Advisers DfES WAMG TTA GTC Ofsted QCA Unions and Professional Associations Consultant Leaders Headteachers School Change Team School Workforce Governing Bodies Parents Pupils

© 2003 National Remodelling Team – 5 – This network of support will help schools to: Implement the National Agreement Accelerate the remodelling agenda beyond the National Agreement Lead and manage change effectively … in order that they can: Free teachers to teach Focus on core purpose of teaching and learning Reduce workload and time spent on inappropriate tasks Improve the work/life balance of members of the school staff Develop useful collaboration between schools at all levels Create new organisational structures and processes Develop the role of support staff

© 2003 National Remodelling Team – 6 – Sources of direct support for schools as they engage in the remodelling agenda LEA Remodelling Advisers – LEA advisers who will encourage, co-ordinate and manage remodelling activities within their LEA NCSL Consultant Leaders – practitioners trained to offer support, advice and guidance in the field, who will be deployed by LEAs with support from NCSL Affiliated Centres The NRT Website at – a dynamic, wide-ranging online resource for anyone involved in remodelling activity Regional Events for schools, facilitated by LEAs, to support networks, exchange information/ideas and provide skills training School Networks – collaborating with other schools throughout the remodelling process NCSL Affiliated Centres – offer access to a wide range of regional networks LEAs – HR departments providing technical support in employment matters – School Improvement Teams providing advice and guidance

© 2003 National Remodelling Team – 7 – Other parties are supporting the remodelling agenda WAMG – Briefing notes on aspects of the National Agreement TTA – Setting High Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA) standards as well as developing training and assessment programmes DfES – Induction training for support staff GTC – Continuing Professional Development requirement for teachers Governing bodies - Helping governors to understand the implications of and opportunities presented by remodelling in their schools OFSTED – Setting remodelling criteria for schools and LEAs NCSL – Integrating remodelling into Leadership Development framework and leadership curriculum Wellbeing – A charity supporting the Wellbeing programme

© 2003 National Remodelling Team – 8 – Remodelling support – contents Introduction National Remodelling Team LEA Remodelling Advisers Consultant Leaders

© 2003 National Remodelling Team – 9 – The role of the National Remodelling Team (NRT) is to: Establish a climate of awareness of the need for and commitment to remodelling Raise expectations and understanding that remodelling must be done, can be done and yields great benefits to schools that do it Work with LEAs and other stakeholders to release the capacity of school communities to address and manage change Establish a network of support that will provide practical guidance on remodelling for schools Encourage school communities to work together in a collaborative manner Develop a purposeful and inclusive climate that secures high standards and sustainable growth Create a self-directed and supportive change process Liaise with the Workforce Agreement Monitoring Group

© 2003 National Remodelling Team – 10 – To develop a national network of support, the NRT is: Training LEA Remodelling Advisers – starting September 2003 Running Regional Events for Early Adopter schools – starting September 2003 Training Consultant Leaders – starting November 2003 Developing and maintaining a remodelling website Developing and maintaining a set of remodelling resources that assist schools to move through the remodelling process (resources available on CD-ROM and the NRT website)

© 2003 National Remodelling Team – 11 – News and updates Learn from experience Ideabank Directory FAQ Links to other websites Materials and resources Direct access to national policy documents and strategy as they are published A range of case studies from all phases of school looking at real remodelling experiences. More case studies will be published regularly as we build up a searchable source of learning from schools and LEAs A searchable directory of practical ideas for remodelling. Ideas are identified by cost, topic and phase of school and are rated for their usefulness by schools and LEAs There are thousands of useful resources available on the internet and in print but finding them is the problem! The Directory identifies over 450 useful resources using a structured indexing system and provides a summary of what youll find there Answers to your frequently asked questions Links to other remodelling partners including all signatories of the National Agreement, Governors Associations, DfES sites (eg teachernet) etc Dedicated areas for LEAs and schools offer materials for download and tools to support remodelling The NRT website at offers:

© 2003 National Remodelling Team – 12 – How schools and LEAs contribute ideas Whats there now How to contribute New ideas New FAQs New case studies Suggestions about new forms of support Contribute using the form on the web page us on us on us on

© 2003 National Remodelling Team – 13 – NRT website demo Autumn 2003 A CD-ROM demonstration of the NRT website provides a tour of all major functionality

© 2003 National Remodelling Team – 14 – Remodelling support – contents Introduction National Remodelling Team LEA Remodelling Advisers Consultant Leaders

© 2003 National Remodelling Team – 15 – The NRT/LEA partnership To support schools in workforce remodelling, LEAs will work in partnership with NRT, focusing on: Organisation of tranches of schools that participate in the remodelling process Facilitation of Regional Events for participating schools Provision of feedback and evidence for national review and development of the programme Influencing LEA colleagues and the LEA agenda, in relation to remodelling of the school workforce Deployment of available NCSL/NRT-trained Consultant Leaders to support schools

© 2003 National Remodelling Team – 16 – The role of the LEA Remodelling Adviser Each LEA will determine the detail of the role(s) of LEA Remodelling Adviser(s), but it should include the following aspects of the role to directly support schools: Managing the engagement of schools Developing a remodelling action plan with effective allocation of associated budgets Organisation and delivery of remodelling events with the LEA Facilitation of remodelling events within schools and/or groups of schools eg Regional Events Communication with schools and other key stakeholders e.g. school governor organisations, unions, professional associations, headteacher associations Informing and influencing colleagues across the LEA Collaboration with other LEAs Ensuring that the LEA and schools contribute to the national remodelling programme through the NRT knowledge base and online community Work with Consultant Leaders and NCSL Affiliated Centres

© 2003 National Remodelling Team – 17 – In particular, LEA Remodelling Advisers will be active in building school networks Strong networks can Promote collaboration, innovation and creative thinking Maximise use of resources Be an effective route for the sharing/dissemination of successes Be a source of new ideas and approaches Offer support as members encounter the change implementation dip Such networks will be based on groups such as: LEA tranches of schools who are remodelling Established local clusters/pyramids/academic councils National networks such as Specialist schools, Beacon schools, Leading Edge schools, City Academies and Training schools Governor networks Special interest groups – such as small schools, faith schools Online communities of practice – focused on particular aspects of remodelling, such as the development of the bursar role, effective use of online learning Establishment of strong peer support networks will be crucial to the process of building school/LEA capacity to embrace and handle change effectively. Every school has a unique combination of circumstances and context. However many issues are common and many schools encounter similar problems.

© 2003 National Remodelling Team – 18 – Remodelling support – contents Introduction National Remodelling Team LEA Remodelling Advisers Consultant Leaders

© 2003 National Remodelling Team – 19 – Consultant Leaders are serving headteachers who have completed a generic training programme run by NCSL, which includes consultancy skills, and they will also have received thorough training in the remodelling change process Support for schools - NCSL Consultant Leaders They will challenge and support schools as they engage in the Remodelling Process – they will be a critical friend They can provide schools with an external view of the remodelling process They may engage in activities such as facilitating meetings, gathering data and liaison with other schools and organisations They may offer advice and guidance They will help schools build capacity to embrace and implement change They will promote the development of local networks to share ideas, strategies, experiences, solutions They will support LEAs to deliver the regional remodelling events