Chapter 9 Supporting Facility: Creating the Right Environment


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Chapter – 8 The Supporting Facility
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Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. McGraw-Hill/Irwin The Supporting Facility.
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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 9 Supporting Facility: Creating the Right Environment

輔助設施,場景的問題 申請駕照佈局之重規劃 本系主辦運輸年會經驗談 抵押借款服務程序 主題樂園各主要設施之位置安排(六福村,劍湖山)

Learning Objectives remove anxiety of disorientation. impact of “servicescape” on behavior of customers and employees. critical facility design features. process analysis. increased capacity: identify the bottleneck. process layout: minimize flow-distance.

1. Environmental Orientation Considerations Need for spatial cues to orient visitors Formula facilities draw on previous experience Entrance atrium allows visitors to gain a quick orientation and observe others for behavioral cues Orientation aids and signage such as “You Are Here” maps reduce anxiety

2. Servicescapes Designing Physical Surroundings to Affect Employee and Customer Behavior Ambient Conditions: noise level, music, lighting, temperature, and scent. Spatial Layout and Functionality: reception area, circulation paths. Signs, Symbols, and Artifacts: selection, orientation, location, and size of objects. e.g. 餐廳場景之對比(p.199)

2. Typology of Servicescapes Who Performs in Servicescape Physical Complexity of the Elaborate Lean Self-service (customer only) Golf course Water slide park Post office kiosk E-commerce Interpersonal (both) Luxury hotel Airline terminal Budget hotel Bus station Remote service (employee only) Research lab L.L. Bean Telemarketing Online tech support

3. Facility Design Considerations Nature and Objectives of Service Organization Land Availability and Space Requirements Flexibility Security Aesthetic Factors The Community and Environment

4. Process Analysis Property Survey Yes Final Approval Mortgage CT=90 min. Credit Report CT=45 min. Title Search CT=30 min. Unapproved Mortgages Approved Mortgages Completed Applications Mortgage Final Approval CT=15 min. Yes No  

5. Product Layout: Line-balancing Problem(p.209) Automobile Driver’s License Office Review Payment Violations Eye Test Photograph Issue In Out 1 240 15 2 120 30 3 60 4 90 40 5 180 20 6 120 30 Activity numbers Flow rate per hour Time in seconds

5. Improved Layout (Other Sol.?) 1,4 65 55 3 60 6 120 30 5 180 20 2 In Out

6. Process Layout: (p.212) Relative Location Problem Ocean World Theme Park Daily Flows A B C D E F A B C D E F A 7 20 5 6 15 30 15 6 B 8 6 10 2 12 40 10 8 Net flow C 10 6 15 7 8 20 8 8 D 30 5 10 3 30 6 E 10 10 1 20 6 10 F 6 3 4 Flow matrix Triangularized matrix

6. Ocean World Theme Park (Proposed Layout, CRAFT) (a) Initial layout (b) Move C close to A Pair Flow distances Pair Flow distances AC 30 * 2 = 60 CD 20 * 2 =40 AF 6 * 2 = 12 CF 8 * 2 =16 DC 20 * 2 = 40 DF 6 * 2 = 12 DF 6 * 2 = 12 AF 6 * 2 = 12 Total 124 CE 8 * 2 = 16 Total 96 (c ) Exchange A and C (d) Exchange B and E and move F Pair Flow distances Pair Flow distances AE 15 * 2 = 30 AB 15 * 2 =30 CF 8 * 2 = 16 AD 0 * 2 = 0 AF 6 * 2 = 12 FB 8 * 2 = 16 AD 0 * 2 = 0 FD 6 * 2 = 12 DF 6 * 2 = 12 Total 58 Total 70 C A D B F E A B C D E F A F C E D B A C D B E F

Topics for Discussion Compare the attention to aesthetics in waiting rooms that you have visited. How did the different environments affect your mood? Give an example of a servicescape that supports the service concept and another that detracts. Explain the success or failure in terms of the servicescape dimensions. Based on your work experience, contrast a supportive servicescape with a poor one in terms of job satisfaction and productivity. (機場,台北火車站,捷運車站,交九轉運站 ,大賣場,圖書館,學生活動中心)