Lesson 82 Step 1 Revision Add –ing to the following verbs 1. go --- 2. fly --- 3. ask --- 4. cook --- 5. look --- 6. work --- 7. help --- 8. know ---


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 82

Step 1 Revision Add –ing to the following verbs 1. go fly ask cook look work help know play wash carry study ---

Step1 Revision 13. teach guess listen make ride take close write drive dance skate sit get put ---

Step 1 Revision 27. run swim begin eat ---

Step 1 Revision Add –ing to the following verbs 1. go --- going 2. fly --- flying 3. ask --- asking 4. cook --- cooking 5. look --- looking 6. work --- working 7. help --- helping 8. know --- knowing 9. play --- playing 10. wash --- washing 11.carry --- carrying 12. study --- studying

Step1 Revision 13. teach ---teaching 14. guess --- guessing 15. listen --- listening 16. make --- making 17. ride --- riding 18. take --- taking 19. close--- closing 20. write --- writing 21. drive --- driving 22. dance --- dancing 23. skate --- skating 24. sit --- sitting 25. get --- getting 26. put --- putting

Step 1 Revision 27. run --- running 28. swim --- swimming 29. begin --- beginning 30. eat --- eating

Step 2 Presentation What are they doing? They are____________.

What are they doing? They are singing ______ Step 2 Presentation

What are they doing? They are __________.

Step 2 Presentation What are they doing? They are running __________.

Step 2 Presentation What is she doing? She is _________.

Step 2 Presentation What is she doing? She is reading ________.

Step 2 Presentation What is she doing? She is ________.

Step 2 Presentation What is she doing? She is cooking _______.

Step 2 Presentation What is she doing? She is _________.

Step 2 Presentation What is she doing? She is sleeping ________.

Step 3 Part one Please open your books at page 22 Look,ask and answer in pairs Useful phrases 1. make a plane 2. fly a kite/fly kites 3. put on one’s clothes 4. look for

Step 4 Part two Play this game 1.Ask one student to come to the front and Ask the others : Are you playing games? They should answer: Yes, we are. No, we aren’t. 2. Then ask other students to play this role.

Step 5 Listen and answer Page 96 Listen to the tape and answer the questions. 1.What’s Bill doing? 2. What’s Jim doing? 3. Can they play football with Li Lei?

Step 5 Listen and answer Check the answer 1. Bill/He is doing his homework. 2. Jim/He is making a plane. 3. No, they can’t.

Step 6 Feedback exercises Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the given verbs 1.My mother is _______ ( cook ) supper. My father is ________ ( wash ) the car. 2. They are _________ ( run ) over there. 3.Our English teacher is __________( talk ) with a new student.

Step 6 Feedback exercises 4. My aunt is ___________ ( watch ) TV. 5.The boy is ________( clean ) the room. 6. Are they _______ ( have ) a meeting. 7. Mr Green and Mrs Green are ________ ( look ) for their son. 8. The child is ________ ( open ) the windows.

Consolidation Ⅰ. New words sleep cook look for Ⅱ. Useful expressions Is he/she reading? Yes, he/she is. /No, he/she isn’t Are they playing football? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t

Consolidation Ⅲ. Grammar The Present Continuous Tense 1. be(am/is /are)+v.-ing 2.v.+-ing go --- going ask --- asking write --- writing close--- closing get --- getting sit --- sitting