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Unit 21 What are you doing? Lesson 82 Wind Let your kite fly high Fly, fly, fly your kite High in the sky! Up and down, Round and round, Let your kite.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 21 What are you doing? Lesson 82 Wind Let your kite fly high Fly, fly, fly your kite High in the sky! Up and down, Round and round, Let your kite."— Presentation transcript:


2 Unit 21 What are you doing? Lesson 82 Wind

3 Let your kite fly high Fly, fly, fly your kite High in the sky! Up and down, Round and round, Let your kite fly high!

4 Revision The present continuous tense be(am/is/are)+v-ing

5 What is she doing? She is dancing.

6 What is he doing? He is cooking.

7 What are they doing? They are playing.

8 What is it doing? It is eating.

9 Exercise Add –ing to the following verbs. l ook drink draw catch have go sing think work give play fly clean find sit carry mend worry stand run sleep eat help take get listen throw see ride put jump meet spell cook swim

10 looking drinking drawing catching having going singing thinking working giving playing flying cleaning finding sitting carrying mending worrying standing running sleeping eating helping taking getting listening throwing seeing riding putting jumping meeting spelling cooking swimming

11 Presentation I am playing football. Am I playing football? Yes, you are./No, you aren't. You are reading a book. Are you reading a book? Yes, I am./No, I am not.

12 Can you change the following sentences? She is thinking. Is she thinking? Yes, she is./No, she isn’t. He is watching TV. Is he watching TV? Yes, he is./No, he isn’t.

13 Is he dancing? No, he isn’t. Is he singing? Yes, he is.

14 Is he playing? No, he isn’t. What is he doing? He is sleeping.

15 Are they walking? No, they aren't. Are they running? Yes, they are.

16 Listen to the tape and answer the questions. What’s Bill doing? He is doing his homework. What’s Jim doing? He is making a plane. Can they play football with Li Lei? No, they can’t.

17 Listening Text A: Hi, Bill! Can you come out and play football with me? B: Sorry, I can’t. A: What are you doing? B: Look. I’m doing my homework. A: Is Jim in? B: Yes. A: What’s he doing? Is he doing his homework, too? B: Let me see. No, he’s making a plane.

18 Play games

19 Summary I am playing football. Am I playing football? Yes, you are./ No, you aren't. You are reading a book. Are you reading a book? Yes, I am./ No, I am not. She/He/It is singing. Is she/he/it singing? Yes, she/he/it is. No, she/he/it isn’t. They are running. Are they running? Yes, they are./ No, they aren't.

20 Homework 1.Finish the Workbook Lesson82 Ex4. 2.Review Lesson82. 3.Recite the words of Lesson83. 4.Prepare Lesson83.


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