: Jeopardy: Jeopardy Review Game. $2 $3 $4 $5 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $1 Vocab & People Acts, Treaties, Etc. Political.


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Presentation transcript:

: Jeopardy: Jeopardy Review Game

$2 $3 $4 $5 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $1 Vocab & People Acts, Treaties, Etc. Political Parties Farewell Address Misc.

The Miami chief that successfully led an alliance of Native Americans against U.S. forces

Who was Little Turtle?

He was added by President Washington as his Secretary of State.

Who was Thomas Jefferson?

Money owed by the United States

What is national debt?

An action or decision that later serves as an example

What is a precedent?

This stated that the United States would not takes sides in any European conflict

What is the Neutrality Proclamation?

This was supported by the American people because it was similar to the American Revolution, where a group of people rebelled against their king to try and form a democratic government.

What is the French Revolution?

Farmers rebelled against a tax on whiskey, which caused the federal government to send troops in and put down the rebellion.

What is the Whiskey Rebellion?

Treaty with Great Britain that stopped them from seizing our ships, stopped them from working with the Native Americans, and forced them to abandon their forts in the Northwest Territory

What is Jay’s Treaty?

Treaty with Spain that ended the dispute over Florida’s borders and opened trade with New Orleans

What is Pinckney’s Treaty?

Laws that allowed the president to jail any residents he thought were involved in criticizing the government.

What are the Alien & Sedition Acts?

The rivalry was between these two political parties in the election of 1796.

What are the Federalists and Democratic- Republicans?

Believed in a strong central government

Who were the Federalists?

Believed in giving states more power

Who were the Democratic Republicans?

Believed the economy should be based on industry and trade

Who were the Federalists?

Believed the economy should be based on agriculture

Who were the Democratic-Republicans?

The number of terms that Washington suggested in his farewell speech that a president should run

What is two terms?

Name one thing that Washington said the country should avoid.

What is *?

Name another thing that Washington said the country should avoid.

What is *?

The amount of involvement Washington suggested the U.S. should have with other countries at war.

What is none (neutrality)?

The way which Washington said any changes to the Constitution should be made.

What is through an Amendment?

Incident in which French agents asked American officials for a bribe to consider a treaty between the United States and France

What is the XYZ affair?

These deemed the Alien & Sedition Acts unconstitutional; they supported the idea that state governments could challenge the federal government.

What are the Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions?

Nation that the Federalists were calling for war with during the Adams administration.

What is France?

List one part of Alexander Hamilton’s economic plan.

What is *?

List the other two parts of Alexander Hamilton’s economic plan.

What are * and *?

The main threat faced by Americans in the Northwest Territories

What were Native American tribes supplied with guns and ammunition by the British?